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“Looks like we’’re gonna be walkin through cornfields the remainder of the day,” stated Rick. “And tomorrow,” said Tom. The boys reported the fallen tree and the mashed down fence to Tom’s Dad, Carl. The farmer’s big hand reached immediately for the phone. Within a few minutes, Carl and the boys were within the car heading to city, after a brief cease at Rick and Rodney’s home. They needed to ask permission to go up in a small airplane with Carl and Tom to search for the misplaced cow. A red Mooney M20C Ranger sat outside the hanger on the Municipal Airport with a full tank of gas. The boys raced to the single engine aircraft to see which of them would get to sit in the entrance seat subsequent to Carl who could be piloting the plane. In the long run, though, Carl placed the boys the place he needed them with a purpose to have the proper weight distribution.