Your Key To Success: Election Audit

The codes have been court ordered to be released to the audit team. Henry County Superior Court Judge Brian Amero ordered the unsealing of absentee ballots, The Hill reported, which will allow a group of Georgia voters and experts to review absentee ballots which Republicans claim might be tainted by voter fraud. Due to the pandemic, elected officials and judges changed many rules regarding mail-in ballots, absentee ballots and republican voting hours in the weeks and months before one of the most intensely fought presidential contests in American history. “To mitigate the risk of disinformation, voters should receive accurate information about mail-in voting to increase their understanding of the process along with reminders to rely on authoritative sources such as their state and local election officials when questions arise,” it adds. Two others include whether or not thousands of ballots that were counted without proper information can be counted and a federal lawsuit challenging the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s ruling that mail-in ballots arriving after election day and/or without a postmark can be counted.

Helping to educate and communicate with the public about Election Integrity, Election Audits, and related information and activities. Coverup artist, the recently elected Maricopa County Recorder authored a letter to the public stating no personal data was breached, only voter registration material. Maricopa County, Arizona is the scene of a conspiracy theory-filled, quixotic quest to prove that the 2020 election results were fraudulent. The controversial audit is being conducted by Florida-based consulting firm Cyber Ninjas, whose CEO was found to have pushed conspiracy theories claiming Trump lost the election due to widespread voter fraud. Earlier in May, one official helping oversee the audit described how they were looking for traces of bamboo fibers because of a conspiracy theory that tens of thousands of ballots were shipped in from East Asia. And Morrell says she’s sure whatever count the “auditors” come up with won’t match the official tally. After receiving the video, Mr. Rosen said in an email to another Justice Department official that he had been asked to set up a meeting between Mr. Johnson and the F.B.I., had refused, and had then been asked to reconsider. What would happen if DHS does an audit of all counted ballots and find ballots without the tag – what happens then?

Both President Trump and Joe Biden have a responsibility to the people of this great nation to ensure that every legal vote is counted and that all instances and appearances of fraud are thoroughly investigated and adjudicated. The Arizona audit, undertaken by the Republicans in the state senate and carried out by the exclusive Cyber Ninjas audit team, is already turning up widespread “significant discrepancies” that favored Sleepy Joe Biden in 2020. Mastriano, who showed his chops at a pro-Trump hearing with Rudy Giuliani in Gettysburg during the overtime period, earned himself a private Trump Tower meeting with the man himself: President Donald J. Trump. HARRISBURG – As President Donald Trump continues to question the integrity of Pennsylvania’s election while repeating unverified claims of voter fraud, state Republicans are once again seeking greater powers to investigate the voting process. Supporting local voters, groups and communities who are seeking or performing Election Audits and other activities to support Election Integrity. Who should investigate an election crime? After many days of final tallying, the state’s popular and electoral college votes were confirmed for Democratic candidate Joe Biden, who ultimately won the presidential race.

The petition also notes that 14 counties have Dominion voting machines, and says “we witnessed on live TV in the Senate Georgia hearing on January 5th, 2021 the voting machines were in fact connected to WiFi and an individual was able to hack into the machines through his phone giving him direct access to the votes in real-time… Fann invoked a Senate subpoena to seize ballots and voting machines located in Maricopa County, submitting them to Cyber Ninjas, a small cybersecurity firm headquartered in Florida, to conduct the audit alongside other subcontractors. Shortly after that a container with unknown and mysterious white powder was sent to Fann. An audit team sent to conduct a forensic examination of the 2020 election results in Windham, N.H. Legal battles today as the counting continues at “America’s Audit,” the forensic audit of the 2020 election in Maricopa County. On a radio broadcast (see below), Borrelli stated voter registration data from Maricopa County was hacked. Maricopa officials have refused to attend a questioning period in the Senate Tuesday, as requested by Fann, and to turn over the county’s internet routers to Fann, which could put other sensitive security data at risk. The Board of Supervisors also demanded that Fann delete a “false and malicious” tweet claiming Maricopa County “spoiled evidence” in the days before providing the server to the Senate.