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Hal the Misinterpretive Porn Star - YouTube Dave Willis marriage quote, happiest marriages have two spouses who both put the others need ahead of their own. Share with them how boys and girls work, how they communicate, how they need and want to be treated. They might be sleeping in their bed, or walking home from work, or partying in a fraternity when the rape occurs. Never mind what your church or bible might say, I am asking you in your opinion, does this make sense. Emotions are so hard sometimes but they are some of what make our lives so fulfilled. They also are doing website scams, apartment rental scams, the works so beware! Doing the dishes or folding laundry is a simple way to show respect, appreciation, and love to your wife. Keep your eyes and your fantasies focused on your wife and nobody else. Have eyes only for her. Maybe he wants to tie you up to the bed, or have sex with you and your girlfriend together, who knows. 2. Find out what your husband really wants in bed.

Find out. Go beyond your boundaries and have fun. Have fun with it, be everything you want to be and everything he’d like you to be. I’m not saying you should beat him up with a belt and put a ball in his mouth, but you know – be creative, have fun with it. Let go and be sexy and flirtatious with your husband, let him know you desire him and that he turns you on. Men watch porn. There’s obviously something there that turns them on. Yes, that face expression of awkwardness is very obvious and hurtful towards gay men. This is one of the best ways you can make sex more interesting for him, by making it your goal to give him the best oral of his life. Mastering the art of oral is like having a skill every man wants his wife or girlfriend to have (even though they may not admit it to you).

Next, figure out what your husband really wants, not what he says he wants. I hope these lists create healthy new habits and help bring out the best in your marriage! And I hope that my comment will appear this time. An adult variation of the time out works as well on any adult friend who is acting childish or misbehaving. Dave Willis marriage quote, husbands love your wives, treat women well and you are teaching your sons and daughters what to expect from the marriage. Dave Willis marriage quote, focus on the family, give your spouse the best of yourself not what is left over after giving your best to everyone else. Work hard to provide for the family, but also work hard to be at home as much as you can. It can be a tough balance between career and home life, but remember that your family can probably do with less “stuff” if it means having more of YOU. Giving your husband surprise BJ’s in the morning, or just as he gets home from work will make him want you a lot more.