6. You’re Still Using Microbeads?

Single-use plastic has become so commonplace in our world that most of us don’t blink an eye at tossing a plastic fork or bottle into the trash. But all that plastic garbage has to go somewhere. Eye Ubiquitous/UIG/Getty Images

It’s easy to walk out of the house and forget your canvas grocery bags when you head to the grocery store, and when you’re thirsty, that plastic bottled water sure does look inviting. Furthermore, we all understand what it’s like to order food in a rush and scarf it down with a plastic fork that came in a small plastic bag with a plastic knife you’ll never use. Also, there’s something so satisfying about drinking out of a straw, is there not?

All this may be true, but in February 2018, a young male sperm whale washed up dead off the coast of Spain. The necropsy report released in April revealed the cause of death was a belly full of plastic – dozens of plastic bags, netting, rope and even a large plastic water container. The animal was young but still woefully underweight. Investigators say the probable cause of death was a clogged digestive system, exacerbated by a severe infection brought on by over 60 pounds (29 kilograms) of plastic in his digestive system.

This isn’t the first time this has happened, and it certainly won’t be the last. Research suggests 8.3 million metric tons (9.15 million tons) of virgin plastic has been manufactured to date, and 79 percent of that is now sitting in landfills or loose in the natural environment – much of it in the world’s oceans. Much of that has been broken down to around the size of a grain of rice, which is a size that reads “snack” to a lot of marine life.

Right now it’s looking like plastic might be humankind’s most lasting legacy on this planet. So, what do we do about it? For starters, we can all stop using so much plastic – especially the stuff you only use once. Cut Out Plastic StrawsThere are only a few reasons one might need to use a plastic straw. Did you recently have jaw surgery but ordered a mimosa at brunch anyway? OK, you get a pass. Otherwise, keep in mind that over 500,000,000 plastic straws are used and discarded every day in the United States alone. You can help your neighborhood or town kick its plastic straw habit by asking your local restaurants to carry paper straws instead.

2. Just Say NO to Plastic Shopping BagsA single plastic bag can take 1,000 years to break down in the environment. In 2016, California issued a statewide ban on stores handing out single-use plastic bags to their customers. A year later, 13 million plastic bags were kept out of landfills and the environment, and everybody survived. In 2002, Ireland passed a 22 euro cents (equivalent to about 37 U.S. cents) tax on plastic bags, to be paid at the register with each purchase. Within a few weeks, Reverse Osmosis Membrane the entire country’s plastic bag use was reduced by around 94 percent. Nobody in Ireland was injured or even irrevocably inconvenienced because of the ban – in fact, everybody just got used to it and eventually started remembering to bring reusable grocery bags with them to the store, which they continue to do today.

We can all stop using plastic bags by carrying reusable bags around with us. We can also encourage our governments to pass plastic bag bans.

3. Stop Chewing GumThat’s right, your favorite chewing gum is most likely made from synthetic rubber, otherwise known as plastic.

4. Carry a Reusable Cup or Water BottleWorldwide, about a million plastic bottles are bought every minute, and we manufacture around 20,000 plastic bottles every second. That’s a lot of plastic, especially considering 91 percent of it will never be recycled.

Are you thirsty and far from home without a reusable water bottle? Find a drinking fountain or a restaurant that will give you a glass of water, for heaven’s sake. Buy From the Bulk BinsThese days many grocery stores have a bulk section – a place where you can buy unpackaged rice, beans, pasta, nuts, and even personal care and household items like shampoo, laundry detergent and bar soap. If you can remember to bring your shopping bags to the supermarket, go ahead and throw a few reusable bags and jars in there as well.

6. You’re Still Using Microbeads?If you live in the U.S., the U.K., Canada or New Zealand, the manufacture and sale of these tiny plastic pellets has already been banned where you live, but microbeads, which are still used in cosmetic cleansers and toothpastes all over the rest of the world, slip down the drain and through wastewater treatment plants to the oceans, where they present themselves as potentially toxic snacks to marine life.

Not sure if your cleanser contains microbeads? Avoid any product with “polyethylene” in the ingredient list.

7. Repair Things When They BreakIs your dishwasher leaking? That stinks. But it’s a lot cheaper and easier to call in a repair person than it is to hoof it to the nearest big box store for a new one. Did the zipper on your favorite nylon backpack break? There are other zippers out there, and if you can’t repair it yourself, there’s probably a crafty person at an alterations shop near you who would be willing to fix it for cheaper than the cost of a new backpack.

8. Buy SecondhandWe get it, it’s tough to find a blender that doesn’t have plastic parts, but the secondhand store in your town probably has six perfectly good blenders sitting on its shelves. You want to buy a cat carrier? Instead of purchasing one brand-new, how about buying one off Craigslist? Keep an eye out for garage sales and swap meets – there’s all kinds of lightly used plastic gold just waiting to be carted back to your home.

9. Buy Clothing Made From Natural Fibers

The synthetic fibers in your athleisurewear seem to be “weaving themselves into the gastrointestinal tract” of fish in the U.S. Great Lakes, State University of New York Fredonia professor Sherri Mason told The Guardian in 2016. One study found a high-quality synthetic fleece jacket sheds 1.17 grams of microfibers with each washing. The buildup of microfibers in the environment can result in starvation. When you cherished this short article in addition to you would want to get guidance regarding reverse osmosis membrane housing (genius.com) i implore you to check out our own web site. Reproductive consequences for aquatic organisms. Learn to Make Things From Scratch

Rather than buying chemical household cleaners, make your own with effective and easily procured stuff like baking soda, vinegar, borax and lemon juice. Rather than buying yogurt in a plastic cup, Google a recipe and get to work – it’s way cheaper and takes approximately 10 minutes of your time, all told.

On your mark, get set, let’s get out there and stop using plastic already! This is going to be fun for you and for whales.

Now That’s InterestingThe import, production and sale of plastic bags is illegal in Rwanda. Those caught trafficking plastic can serve up to four years in prison or face stiff fines.

6 Different Types Of Water Filter Cartridges (with Pictures)

Water filtration systems have become much more effective. Complicated than in the past. It’s common to see three to five separate filtration chambers on a single filter system. For multi-stage filtration, different types of filter cartridges are used in each canister. Each filter will remove a specific type of compound from your water, resulting in a thoroughly purified drinking water. Some remove sediment and particles, others filter out chemicals, another one may kill bacteria, and so on. Once the water is stripped, an alkalization ionizer can even reintroduce the essential minerals that some filters strip from your water. After reading this article, you’ll understand what each of these filter cartridges does and how they work, which will help you decide which ones are best suited for your situation.

The 6 Different Types of Water Filter Cartridges:

1. Sediment Filter Cartridges

No one wants to take a big swig of water just to end up with a mouthful of sand and dirt! Sediment filters are meant to filter out these types of particles in your water. They can remove sand, dust, dirt, silt, rust, scale, and more. With a filtering size of one-micron, this type of filter cartridge won’t remove microscopic organisms, bacteria, chemicals, or anything else though. It only removes solid particles that are over one-micron in size, and they are generally the first filter in a multi-stage system.

2. Ceramic Filters Cartridges

Ceramic filters are unique in that they’re positively charged to attract bacteria to them. Once they contact the ceramic, silver infused in the filter distributes positively charged metal ions that destroy the bacteria. They last longer than many other filter types since they don’t get filled up with contaminants like pass-through filter cartridges. Ceramic filters will only remove bacteria. Don’t do anything to filter out particles.

3. Reverse Osmosis Membrane Cartridges

The membrane of a reverse osmosis filter cartridge is extremely dense, making it able to filter out even the tiniest particles. Some can remove contaminants such as microorganisms and viruses as small as 1/10,000th of a micron. These filters are extremely effective at removing almost everything from your water, including pesticides, chemicals, odors, and foul tastes.

4. Alkaline Ionizer Filter Cartridges

After passing through several water filters or even just a reverse osmosis filter, your water is likely stripped of the essential minerals that you need to get from drinking it. Alkaline ionizers add in natural minerals by passing the water through ionically activated mineral rocks. The water filter cartridge picks up mineral content from these rocks, which boosts the pH to balance out your water. This will result in an improvement in your overall health. When you loved this informative article and also you would like to obtain more information relating to water filter cartridge i implore you to stop by our page. Alkaline ionization helps the water to have more oxygen than regular water, as well as antioxidants and electrolytes that your body will thank you for.

5. Carbon filters are generally made with charcoal. They’re an inexpensive way to remove the most harmful toxins from your water. Better yet, carbon filters leave the mineral content of your water intact so that it’s not devoid of the essential minerals that you need. These filters are great for removing chlorine, VOCs, and many other chemicals, including those that cause bad tastes and foul odors. However, carbon filters are not very effective for removing salts, minerals, or sediment.

6. Ultraviolet Cartridges

Ultraviolet filters are different from the other cartridge filters in that the water doesn’t actually pass through it. It’s a lightbulb that fits inside of the cannister and kills bacteria and microorganisms by exposing them to ultra-violet light that destroys their DNA. Ultra-violet filters are the best way to kill fungi, salmonella, water filter cartridge cysts, dysentery, algae, and all sorts of viruses and bacteria. These bulbs are designed to stay on all the time and will have a lifespan that’s measured in hours of run time instead of gallons of water purified like other filters.

From sediment filters that remove particles from your water, to ultra-violet filters that kill bacteria and microorganisms, many different filter cartridges exist to get your water filtration system up however you desire. For maximum effectiveness, several different types of filters should be used in conjunction. This will allow you to create a multi-stage filter system capable of removing any and all contaminants from your water. In the end, you’ll have incredibly clear, crisp, and delicious tasting drinking water that’s free of any undesirable chemicals, bacteria, viruses, tastes, odors, and more. You can’t put a price on health, but you can put a price on water filtration.

The Benefits Of Counter Top Water Filter

Are you wary about the cleanliness of your water at home? A countertop water filter is among the best water filters today. It keeps the water safe, fresh and clean-tasting always. Find out in the article below how you can install one for your home.

If you are looking for a good option for quality water filter at home, a countertop water filter is an ideal choice. It is easy to prepare. It has a similar requirement with under sink water filters. If you have any inquiries relating to the place and how to use reverse osmosis membrane (click through the following website page), you can get hold of us at the web-site. All you have to do is set up this water filter wherever you want it located, then, attach it to the sink.

Today, counter top filtering system is among the best types of water filtrations available in the market. Most of these filters are made of stainless steel, making them attractive, durable, and practical.

It is also comes with a hose to connect to the sink if you decide it later. As a water filter, the countertop system can remove the chlorine taste and odor from water. Other contaminants are also removed, reverse osmosis membrane system including lead, VOCs, Mercury, Asbestos, MTBE, Chlormine, Cryptosporidium and Giardia.

Also, you can guarantee that the countertop water filter does not retract from the faucets pressure or water flow. It uses a solid carbon block water filter that is replaceable once a year. According to the experts, the solid carbon block water filter is among the most efficient in reducing majority of contaminants that are commonly found in tap water.

Generally, these contaminants are likely the cause of harm in your health. The carbon block filter is designed by making the carbon compact to fit into an extremely dense structure, forcing each molecule of water passing through it to be pushed through microscopic pores of carbon, thereby, mitigating the amount of pollutants present in the water for drinking.

The toxins such as all pollutants and contaminants that are present in tap water are the principal reasons in causing several fatal results for us humans. Some of these deadly diseases caused by drinking contaminated water are diarrhea, abdomen-related disorders, and constipation. If it is your first time to drink from tap unfiltered water, expect to feel dizzy and weak.

Moreover, the carbon block water filter is a replaceable filter cartridge, designed to permit replacement very easy. Many say that carbon block has other benefits aside from filtrating pollutants. It does not waste water, does not use electricity, and does not remove trace minerals also found in tap water.

Unlike some filters, the carbon block in a counter top water filter does not add salt or silver or any of their forms into the water. Thus, when you drink from it, you are certain that the water is fresh and clean-tasting.

Even your skin can benefit from filtered water. There are people who have sensitive skin that rashes may start from drinking tap water without prior filtration. With a countertop filtration system, your health and physical wellness are guaranteed with protection.

Because of the benefits of a countertop water filter, it may not be priced lower compared to other filtering system. This is because besides durability, you do not have to replace its filter every three months or six months.

As mentioned earlier, it uses a carbon block that is replaceable approximately once a year. So, if you are looking at its long-term effects, a countertop water filter is really a good investment.

Olympus E-PL5 And E-PM2: Micro Four Thirds Cameras With OM-D-like Focusing, Performance Boosts (hands-on)

We’ve been very impressed with Olympus’ first OM-D camera, the EM-5. That model’s 5-axis image stabilization and super-fast autofocus won us over, while the retro design appeased nostalgics as well. Now, it’s time for that speedy shooting to make its way to the company’s other Micro Four Thirds models — the E-PL5 and E-PM2. Both models, announced today, offer nearly identical specifications, with notable differences on the form-factor front. The E-PL5 is the premium model of this bunch, coming in at $700 with a 12-42mm f/3.5-5.6 lens or $650 for the body only, while the E-PM2 will run you 100 bucks less for both configurations. Both cameras include 16.1-megapixel Live MOS sensors, top ISO of 25,600, 3-inch 460k-dot touch-enabled LCDs, 1080i video and an 8fps continuous shooting mode. The EM-5’s five-axis stabilization is absent here, though a three-axis version should suffice in low light. Each model also includes an external flash and a rebate offer for a free Toshiba FlashAir 802.11b/g/n card, which enables connectivity with the OI Share apps for Android and iOS.

We had a chance to check both cameras out just before Photokina, and were quite pleased with the design, along with that OM-D-like focusing performance, which really is as speedy as Olympus claims. The camera focused instantaneously with almost all of the lenses we tried, though it was a bit sluggish, understandably, when paired with the 60mm f/2.8 macro. The displays were equally sharp, though the PL5 packs a nifty articulating version, which can tilt up, down or face forward for self-portraits. We also enjoyed shooting with the super-slim 15mm f/8 body cap lens, which features a tiny front element with a slide-over cover — while it’s limited on the aperture front and includes fixed focus, it’s arguably more useful than a traditional cap (Olympus hasn’t confirmed pricing for that optic, though it’ll likely come in below the $100 mark). That aforementioned dust-and-splash-proof macro will retail for $500 in early October, while a new 12mm f/2 lens will ship during the same time for $1,100. The “Mini” E-PM2 will be available in silver, black, white and red, while the E-PL5 will ship in silver, black and white — both versions will be available in October. You can take a closer look at each of the offerings in the gallery below, then jump past the break for the full rundown from Olympus.%Gallery-165432%


Compact Portable Bodies Deliver Amazing Image Quality with OM-D E-M5™ Sensor, In-Camera Creativity Expands with New Art Filters

CENTER VALLEY, Pa., September 17, 2012 – Today, Olympus announces two new PEN compact system cameras, the latest in its award-winning line of Micro Four Thirds® products, designed to help both advanced and emerging photographers take their creative power to a whole new level. The Olympus PEN E-PL5 and PEN E-PM2 deliver amazing image quality by packing superior image technology, blazing fast processing speed and total creative control in classic bodies that combine the portability and ease of use of a point-and-shoot without the complexity of a DSLR.

In addition to advanced shared technologies outlined below, each new model offers unique features of its own:

Olympus PEN E-PL5: This powerful performer boasts significant improvements in functionality and ease of use. It features an all-metal body in silver, black or white and is portable enough to travel across the world without sacrificing DSLR image quality and the control that experienced photographers expect. Inherited from its predecessor, the E-PL5 has a swiveling monitor with a greatly expanded swivel range of approximately 170° up and about 65° down, making it easier to shoot pictures from low or high angles, and offers the ability to flip the monitor up for self-portrait shooting.

Olympus PEN E-PM2: The ultra-compact, simple and stylish, smallest and lightest Olympus PEN is designed for people who want to try an interchangeable lens camera for the first time. Available in silver, black, white and red, the E-PM2 offers an intuitive vertical touch navigation menu displayed by pressing the MENU button to provide a fast and easy way to switch modes with fewer steps.

Superior Image Quality and Low Light PerformanceBoth new Olympus PEN cameras share the same 16.1-megapixel High-Speed Live MOS Sensor and new TruePic VI image processing engine as the award-winning, flagship Micro Four Thirds system camera, Olympus OM-D E-M5. Armed with this technology, the new PENs are outstanding low-light performers with a maximum ISO of 25,600 and a dynamic range that has also been increased, enabling finer expression of gradations between dark and bright areas with a wider range of intensity. An AF Illuminator UV water sterilizer and accessory FL-LM1 flash, included with both cameras, adds to their low-light performance. Photos and HD videos will be crisp and clear thanks to three modes of in-body image stabilization and the award-winning Olympus Dust Reduction System. Tapping in on the chosen subject within the frame of the cameras’ LCD monitor instantly focuses the subject. Automatically triggers the shutter for instantaneous in-focus image capture thanks to the Touch AF Shutter function. The combination of the speedy response of the touchscreen panel and the FAST (Frequency Acceleration Sensor Technology) AF system, the same technology that made the Olympus OM-D the world’s fastest autofocusing camera, gives users the power to capture precisely the image they want at precisely the moment they want it. With instantaneous focusing, the camera won’t shake the moment the shutter is released, assuring maximum clarity and stability, even when shooting moving subjects. If you have any inquiries about in which and how to use UV water treatment parts sterilizer – bsaa.edu.ru,, you can call us at the web page. Maximum frame rates have also increased more than 2X with a maximum frame rate of 8 fps in Single AF mode.

Ease of UseBoth new models have a 3-inch, 460,000-dot high-definition LCD screen and an Anti-Finger Print coating to reduce smudges. The display offers a wide 176-degree angle of view. Is bright enough to compose images even in harsh midday light. Capturing the shot you want is easy with the E-PL5 swivel LCD that rotates up 170 degrees for simple self-portrait shooting. The intuitive and practical touchscreen makes navigating the camera’s menus and graphical user interface effortless. Going through a day’s photos is as easy as scrolling through the images. Enlarging photos with the tap of a finger. Change the feel of each camera to suit your preferences with a detachable grip included with the Olympus E-PL5, and the Olympus E-PM2 grip is built-in. A convenient button on top of the E-PM2 calls up the Live Guide function instantly from any shooting mode for intuitive assistance whenever needed. My Sets on the E-PL5 Mode Dial allow further customization to suit the user’s shooting preferences.

Creative ControlThe Olympus E-PL5 and the Olympus E-PM2 bring a new level of freedom to the creative shooting experience. A new Water Color effect joins 11 available in-camera Art Filters (Diorama, Pop Art, Soft Focus, Pale & Light Color, Light Tone, Grainy Film, Pin Hole, Cross Process, Gentle Sepia, Key Line and Dramatic Tone) and adds to other brilliant, easy-to-use functions, including Variations and the new Monochrome effect. In-camera RAW data editing selects various settings for RAW data editing. Previews the images before applying changes. The customizable Self Timer programs the shutter release to go off at select intervals to ensure the perfect shot. A small single AF target can be selected for pinpoint focusing beyond the existing 35-point area selection. Users can get creative while shooting in 1080i Full HD Movie with fade effect, so you can transition from art filter to art filter without stopping the movie. While shooting a movie, the Movie Teleconverter function magnifies up to 4x without image deterioration.

Sharing in a FlashUsing the OLYMPUS Image Share application, which is compatible with both iPhone® and Android® smartphones and the Toshiba FlashAir® SDHC memory card, it’s easier than ever to upload pictures to your favorite social network. Both PENs can set up the FlashAir using the built-in smartphone connection capability for an effortless Wi-Fi connection between PEN and your smartphone. The OLYMPUS Image Share application makes it easy to upload images to a smartphone by selecting them from thumbnails, apply Art Filters on the smartphone and share. Images can also be enjoyed by friends and family by issuing a one-time password to connect several smartphones simultaneously to the cameras.

Is It a Body Cap or a Lens? It’s Both.Olympus also introduces an intriguing new lens for its Micro Four Thirds line. The BCL-15 f8.0 Body Cap Lens serves as a body cap when carrying the camera around without its interchangeable lens, and transforms to become a pan-focus snapshot lens to capture images. The lens is so thin – just 9mm thick – that it can easily be mistaken for a camera-mount body cap. With three glass lens elements in three groups, it can be used as a wide-angle lens equivalent with a single focal length of 30mm (35mm camera equivalent). In addition to daily use as a “pan-focus” lens featuring a wide angle, fixed f8 aperture and shallow depth of field, it is compatible with manual focusing using a lever and capable of close-up shooting as close as 30 cm. A lens-protection barrier is provided so the lens can be mounted permanently on the camera. Even put in a pocket together with the camera.

Coordinated Accessories to Enhance and Protect Your CameraNew Olympus PEN accessories provide sturdy protection for users to enjoy convenience, comfort and style wherever they go. The CS-38B is a genuine leather body jacket designed exclusively for the PEN that protects the camera body without detracting from its design. The body jacket’s genuine leather and rugged construction combines casual with contemporary styling and is available in four colors.

The accessory MCG-3PR Camera Grip for the E-PL5 is available in three patterns – Dot, Hounds tooth Check, and Stripe – and makes it easy to accessorize with style. A matching LC-37PR Lens Cap, compatible with both new cameras, is available in the same three patterns and allows the E-PL5 user to have a color-coordinated combination.

The CBG-8 is a versatile camera bag that can be hung across the shoulder, carried by hand or used as a bag-in-bag. It has a detachable inner pocket, which is partitioned to enable storage of other items in addition to the camera and lenses, such as a smartphone, while the outer pocket is large enough to accommodate a tablet PC or A4-size file folders.

U.S. Pricing, Availability and Product ConfigurationsThe Olympus PEN E-PL5 and the Olympus PEN E-PM2 will be available in October and ship with the Body, Flash FL-LM1, Li-ion battery BLS-5, Li-ion battery charger BCS-5, USB cable, AV cable, Shoulder strap, OLYMPUS Viewer 2 (CD-ROM), Instruction manual and Warranty card. The PEN E-PL5 will also ship with the MCG-4(Changeable Grip).

U.S. Pricing / Product Configurations Olympus PEN E-PL5 Body Only Estimated Street Price: $649.99

Olympus PEN E-PL5 Body with MSC M.ZUIKO® DIGITAL ED m14-42mm II R f3.5/5.6 Zoom Lens Estimated Street Price: $699.99 Olympus PEN E-PL5 (Available in silver, black and white). A complete list of specifications can be found at the Olympus website: HYPERLINK “http://www.olympusamerica.com/cpg_section/product.asp?product=1628&page=specs” http://www.olympusamerica.com/cpg_section/product.asp?product=1628&page=specs

Olympus PEN E-PM2 Body Only Estimated Street Price: $549.99

Olympus PEN E-PM2 Body with MSC M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED m14-42mm f3.5/5.6 Prime Zoom Lens Estimated Street Price: $599.99

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What Is Reverse Osmosis?

A water purification process, reverse osmosis (RO) uses a partially permeable membrane to separate contaminants, unwanted molecules and other particles from drinking water. It works in the following way: Pressure forces the unfiltered water (a.k.a. “feed water”) through this semipermeable membrane, filtering out the particles and creating clean drinking water. The fresh water produced is called the “permeate.” Salt water, for example, is often taken through this process to make it drinkable, where pressure forces the salt water through the semipermeable membrane, leaving the salt and excess water behind. But in most cases, RO is used as part of a larger purification system. Indeed, what’s known as a Reverse Osmosis System can be made up 3 or 4 different levels of filtration. Around the world, many household drinking water purification systems, commonly used for improving water for drinking and cooking, have a number of steps, including:

– A sediment filter that traps particles, including rust and calcium carbonate

– A second sediment filter with even smaller pores

– An activated carbon filter to trap organic chemicals and chlorine (which will often degrade certain types of thin-film composite membranes – the type used in reverse osmosis).

– A reverse osmosis filter

– An ultraviolet lamp that used occasionally for sterilizing any microbes that may escape filtering by the reverse osmosis membrane

– A second carbon filter to capture those chemicals not removed by the above processes. Reverse osmosis can remove many types of dissolved. Suspended chemicals as well as some biological species (primarily bacteria) from water. Here are some contaminants and chemicals that can be removed by reverse osmosis:

– Salt

– Fluoride

– Chlorine

– Sediment

– Arsenic

– Herbicides and pesticides

– Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) – typically compounds deriving from petroleum fuels, hydraulic fluids, paint thinners, and dry-cleaning agents.

– Other contaminants such as mercury, E. coli, and other coliforms to a considerable extent.

Does Reverse Osmosis Harm the Environment?

As water flows through membrane, reverse osmosis systems divide it into two streams. One stream carries the filtered water to a dedicated faucet, and the other stream carries the wastewater with the concentrated contaminants (known as the brine) to the drain. Roughly 4 gallons of water goes to the drain for every gallon of drinkable, filtered water. That seems like waste. However, contrary to what you might think, the brine water isn’t all bad because given it often contains chemicals such as chlorine, which help clean the water down the drain as well.

That said, the goal of any RO system is to minimize the amount of waste water (brine) produced. One way to do that is to add a permeate pump, which can improve RO systems’ efficiency and can reduce wastewater by up to 75 percent. A few other things you can do:

– Use the RO “brine” water for landscaping or artificial lakes. It’s typically safe for lawns and gardens.

– Choose a reverse osmosis system with an automatic shut off valve. The valve will stop the water flow once the storage tank is full.

How Does Reverse Osmosis Work with Water Softener Systems?

Generally, the two systems are complimentary. Reverse osmosis systems filter harmful contaminants from water, while a water softener primarily seeks to remove calcium and magnesium to “soften” hard water, helping improve everything from your skin tone to the running of your appliances. (Note: Reverse osmosis systems help soften water too, ridding the water of calcium and magnesium.) But in cases where homes have very hard water, the RO system’s membrane often wears out faster due to the increased presence of calcium and magnesium. A water softener installed before a RO system will hence remove a lot of the hard water elements and help improve the life of your RO housing membrane. Conversely, an RO system can remove sodium added by the water softener.

How Drinkable Is the Water Produced by a Reverse Osmosis System?

Most bottled water is actually purified by a reverse osmosis system. So, it’s actually perfect to drink, but without all the super harmful environmental effects of plastic bottles. Reverse osmosis does remove calcium and magnesium, which are important minerals for the body to absorb in small amounts, but it also reduces harmful contaminants, which can adversely affect your health in cases of repeated exposure. This clean water will help lubricate your joints and aids in your organ function, digestion, and provide many other benefits.

How Long Do Reverse Osmosis Systems Last?

Typically, most systems function well for 10 to 15 years. The RO membrane and filters should be changed more frequently with prefilters and post filters being replaced every 6 months. And depending on the condition of your water (hardness) the RO membrane typically needs to be changed every 3 years. When we typically do installs, we’ll focus on implementing any reverse osmosis system where you need it most, in particular under the kitchen or Reverse Osmosis Membrane bathroom sinks and for refrigerator lines.

We hope you found this helpful. There’s certainly a lot more detail you can learn about reverse osmosis systems, so feel free to ask us any additional questions you might have. We’re here to help. If you live in the Chicagoland area, you can get started on your path to better water by contacting us at Restore Water Systems. We’ll provide a free water filter element quality analysis, so you can learn more about what’s in your water and what system is right for you.

Pay Attentin To 3 Points To Effectively Prevent Prostatitis Recurrence

As we all know, prostatitis is a relatively common clinical disease, which will cause various adverse manifestations in the process of onset. Common dysuria, frequency, and urgency of urination are related to inflammation of the prostate.

Therefore, we should understand the causes of prostatitis and improve it through reasonable measures to control the disease and prevent the continuous existence of prostatitis from affecting health.

Quinolones such as ofloxacin or levofloxacin are the first choice for the treatment of acute prostatitis. But for chronic prostatitis, the herbal medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is better. It can cure the inflammation and infection spread in other parts, and its effect is working on the whole tissue system.

So, can prostatitis recur?

In general, the treatment should be carried out immediately after prostatitis occurs, and reasonable measures should be taken to control the development of the disease to prevent serious aggravation of the prostate. In the process of prostatitis affecting the body, if some reasonable measures are not taken to control the development of the disease, there may be repeated cases of the disease.

Therefore, in the treatment process of the disease, we should master the correct methods to prevent the recurrence of the disease from threatening the health and affecting the quality of life of patients.

What respects should we do to prevent prostatitis from recurring?

1. Pay attention to diet

To prevent the recurrence of prostatitis, we should pay attention to many problems, such as the reasonable control of diet is very important. For patients with prostatitis, we should ensure a light diet, eat more fresh food to maintain the body’s functional state, UV water sterilizer blog and supplement minerals, trace elements, and vitamins needed by the human body, which is helpful to improve the immune function.

Besides, in the process of eliminating prostatitis, it is necessary to keep away from spicy food and fermented food to prevent the aggravation of inflammation after social stimulation.

2. Reasonable treatment under the guidance of doctors

Prostatitis is easy to recur. If you want to prevent the recurrence of the disease, you should treat it reasonably under the guidance of doctors. The reappearance of prostatitis in many people is related to incorrect treatment methods. Without the advice of doctors, the rational use of drugs, through the correct techniques to control the development of local inflammation, membrane housing under the influence of unreasonable treatment, it is easy to lead to repeated disease.

To prevent this kind of situation, we should pay attention to the problems of medication, adhere to reasonable treatment, and achieve the purpose of disease control.

3. Drink more water

The reason for the recurrence of prostatitis may be that there is no good habit in the treatment process. If you want to prevent the recurrence of the disease, you need to supplement enough water during the treatment process, which is also helpful for the elimination of inflammation in the prostate.

Because many people relapse during the treatment of prostatitis, it may be caused by not paying attention to more water filter element. The patients with prostatitis can drink more water properly to promote the discharge of inflammatory substances in the body, which is helpful to prevent the aggravation. If you have any questions concerning wherever along with the best way to employ UV water sterilizer blog, reverse osmosis membrane system you are able to contact us in the webpage.