Twitter’s Saga With Elon Musk Could Get Uglier as Legal Battle Looms

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Billionaire on-again, off-again relationship with keeps getting more complicated. 

Last week, Musk pulled out of a $44 billion deal to buy the social network, a decision that will likely set off a messy and drawn-out court battle.

Twitter says it plans to sue the world’s richest man in the Delaware Court of Chancery, and on Sunday said in a that Musk’s termination of the deal was “invalid and wrongful.” Some legal experts say the social network may have a strong case against Musk.

Twitter had staked its future on Musk’s takeover of the company when it struck a deal with the billionaire. The publicly traded company faces pressure from investors to grow its ads business. The social network saw Musk’s effort to buy the business and take it private as a way to escape short-term expectations and focus on a long-term effort to decentralize itself so users have more control over their experience on the platform. 

Musk marketed himself as a good fit for Twitter. The billionaire pledged to safeguard free speech, open-source Twitter’s algorithm and “defeat” automated spam accounts that fill many feeds. Now Musk, who also leads and SpaceX, appears to be having buyer’s remorse. 

Some of that regret may be prompted by a dramatic drop in Twitter’s stock price since the deal was announced on April 25. In May, shares gradually dropped by more than 25% at one point amid rising concerns that the economy might be on the verge of a recession. That month, Musk also raised the possibility of a lower price, but Twitter has shown no signs it will budge on the figure. 

Charles Elson, a retired University of Delaware professor and founding director of the Weinberg Center for Corporate Governance, said he views Musk’s latest move as likely a “bargaining chip” to renegotiate the deal at a lower price.

“It’s very hard in Delaware to get out of a deal unless you can show some kind of fraud,” Elson said. “It’s a very high hurdle.”

Attempting to back out of a deal and then renegotiating the price has been a successful tactic before, Elson noted. In 2020, French luxury goods giant LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton pulled out of a deal to because it needed more time to figure out the impact of potential US tariffs on French goods. LVMH ended up closing a $15.8 billion deal after receiving a $400 million discount from the original offer. 

The 73-page merger agreement requires Musk to pay $1 billion if the deal gets terminated under certain circumstances, so that’s another potential outcome. It’s also possible that Musk wins in court and the billionaire walks away without paying the termination fee.

In a letter explaining the deal termination, Musk’s lawyer Mike Ringler says the billionaire is walking away because Twitter breached several parts of the agreement and “appears to have made false and misleading representations.” The letter outlines information Twitter has failed to provide the billionaire, including its process for calculating the number of spam and fake accounts on the platform. Twitter estimated in the first quarter that fewer than 5% of Twitter’s 229 million daily users were fake or spam-focused, but Musk says the number is much higher. In the letter, Ringler says Musk wants more information about this metric because it’s “fundamental to Twitter’s financial and business performance.”

“Despite public speculation on this point, Mr. Musk did not waive his right to review Twitter’s data and information simply because he chose not to seek this data and information before entering into the Merger Agreement,” the letter stated.

Some legal experts say Musk’s arguments in the letter appear weak. 

Twitter, for example, notes in its earnings release its estimates of false or spam accounts might not “accurately represent” the number of those accounts and the number could be higher, so proving that the company provided incorrect information will be an uphill battle. In Sunday’s letter, Twitter also denied breaching the agreement.

Ann Lipton, associate dean for faculty research at Tulane Law School, said that purchasing a company “is not like buying a toaster” where you buy the item “and walk out with it that day.” Instead, the process takes months, includes regulatory filings and shareholders have to ultimately approve the agreement. When lawyers draft merger agreements, companies also know that economic conditions could change in the future, Lipton said. 

“Because people drafting merger agreements understand that, they lock them up tightly to make it very hard for somebody to suddenly decide they don’t like the deal anymore and walk away,” she said. “And that’s exactly what Twitter did here.”

Twitter co-founder Ev Williams on Friday that if he was still on the board he would be asking if “we can just let this whole ugly episode blow over.” But legal experts don’t think that’s likely. 

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“Twitter has a fiduciary duty to its own shareholders,” Lipton said. “It can’t just say this is too much trouble.”

Meta’s ‘No Language Left Behind’ AI Can Now Translate 200 Languages

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What’s happening

Meta’s No Language Left Behind AI project can now translate 200 different languages.

Why it matters

For many people around the world speaking rare or less commonly used languages, better translation tools promise to make the internet a more inclusive place for them to communicate and express themselves.

What’s next

Meta will use No Language Left Behind to improve translation on Facebook and Instagram, before eventually deploying it in the metaverse. It’s also making it open source for anyone else to use.

In our increasingly globalized online world, having effective translation tools at our fingertips is vital to communicating across borders, thehiddengallery cultures and languages. For native speakers of languages such as English and Spanish, these tools are now pretty advanced, but the less commonly spoken a language is, the less likely it is that native speakers of those languages will be able to make use of these tools.

That’s where Meta’s No Languages Left Behind project to build an AI model that can translate ever-more languages, even those that are less commonly spoken comes in. First announced in March, the AI model can now translate across 200 languages, the tech giant said Thursday.

Calling it an “AI superpower,” Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg said that not only will it be used across Meta’s different products and services, but it will also be available on for anyone else to make use of.

“We just open-sourced an AI model we built that can translate across 200 different languages — many which aren’t supported by current translation systems,” he said. “We call this project No Language Left Behind, and the AI modeling techniques we used from NLLB are helping us make high quality translations on Facebook and Instagram for languages spoken by billions of people around the world.”

Meta invests heavily in AI research, with hubs of scientists across the globe building and tools to , among many other . This investment allows the company to ensure it stays at the cutting edge of innovation by working with the top AI researchers, while also maintaining a link with the wider research community by open-sourcing projects such as No Languages Left Behind.

The major challenge in creating a translation model that will work across rarer languages is that the researchers have a much smaller pool of data — in this case examples of sentences — to train the model versus, say, English. In many cases, they had to find people who spoke those languages to help them provide the data, and then check that the translations were correct.

No Language Left Behind can be applied immediately across existing Meta social platforms. But researchers from the company believe that it’s in the metaverse — — where the tool will really come into its own. “For billions of people around the world, they don’t have access to a technology or a translation service that really works well for their language,” Angela Fan, a Meta AI research scientist, said in a video produced by the company. “We’re really hoping the technology we’re developing will make the metaverse inclusive by design.”

See If You’re Eligible for Money in the $90M Facebook Class Action Settlement

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If you used Facebook in 2010 or 2011, you may qualify for a class action settlement against the social media giant. 

A lawsuit dating back to 2011 accused the company  across other websites, even after they logged off the platform. Now a US district court in California has given preliminary approval for a . 

The plaintiffs claimed Facebook executives were aware the company violated privacy, communications and wiretap laws by tracking logged-out users, in breach of its own contract.

The case was initially dismissed in 2017 but then reinstated  by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, which determined Facebook’s profiting from the sale of users’ data was a violation of privacy that caused economic harm. When the US Supreme Court declined to review the case, settlement negotiations began.

As a result, US Facebook users who visited other sites displaying the Facebook “Like” button between April 22, 2010, and Sept. 25, 2011, may be eligible for a portion of the settlement if it receives final approval this fall. 

Read more

This is the seventh-largest data privacy class action settlement ever to receive preliminary court approval, from law firm DiCello Levitt Gutzler.

Read on to find out what the class action lawsuit is all about, whether you’re eligible for a payout and how much recipients could receive.

What does the suit accuse Facebook of?

The plaintiffs allege that Facebook tracked people’s activities on outside websites, even when they were signed out of their Facebook accounts, by installing cookies on users’ computers.

In a 2011 suit filed in US District Court in San Jose, California, they claimed such monitoring violated the Federal Wiretap Act, the Stored Electronic Communications Act and the Federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, among other statutes.

That year, Facebook disclosed that it personalized content by placing cookies onto users’ computers that remained active even when they were logged out. Facebook  at the time that it quickly removed uniquely identifying data from post-logout cookies and that it didn’t store or use data from cookies for tracking.

But , “This admission came only after an Australian technology blogger exposed Facebook’s practice of monitoring members who have logged out, although he brought the problems to the defendant’s attention a year ago.” 

What’s the settlement Facebook has agreed to?

Facebook parent Meta Platforms has agreed to a $90 million settlement, though it “expressly denies any liability or wrongdoing whatsoever,” according .Meta didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.

Who’s eligible to receive part of the Facebook settlement?

US Facebook users who, between April 22, 2010, and Sept. 25, 2011, visited websites that displayed the Facebook “Like” button are eligible to be recipients, or “class members.”

Facebook screenshotFacebook screenshot

The 2011 suit alleges Facebook’s use of cookies violated the Federal Wiretap Act and other laws.

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The claims administrator, Angeion, has already begun to email class members and will continue to do so through July 15, 2022. If you received a personalized notice in the mail or via email, go to the  and enter the Notice ID and Confirmation Code you were provided with.

If you believe you’re eligible but haven’t been contacted, you  on your own through Sept. 22. Individuals who want to reserve the right to file their own lawsuit have until Sept. 12 .If you do nothing, you won’t get a payment and you’ll give up the right to sue or be part of another lawsuit relating to the case.

How much money could you receive?

The court has scheduled a final approval hearing on Oct. 27, 2022, in San Jose, California, thehiddengallery where it will consider whether the $90 million settlement is “fair, reasonable, and adequate.”

It isn’t yet clear how many class members there will be or how much each individual will receive.

In 2021,  to a suit that alleged it broke Illinois’ biometric laws by collecting and storing users’ physical characteristics without their consent. Nearly 1.6 million Facebook users in the state each received $397 payouts. 

When will Facebook settlement checks go out?

The court will make a final decision about the settlement on Oct. 27, but there may be appeals. “It is always uncertain whether appeals will be filed and, if so, how long it will take to resolve them,” according to the settlement site. “Settlement payments will be distributed as soon as possible.”