Labour and Channel 4 stars today accused the Government of deciding to sell the broadcaster for £1billion because of a ‘petty vendetta’ against its left-wing news bulletins and personal attacks on the Prime Minister Boris Johnson

Labour and Channel 4 stars today accused the Government of deciding to sell the broadcaster for £1billion because of a ‘petty vendetta’ against its left-wing news bulletins and personal attacks on the Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

Critics have claimed Nadine Dorries’ pledge to take it out of public ownership is ‘payback’ for ‘biased coverage’, including of Brexit and climate change, with one hysterical MP branding it ‘fascism’. 

Labour has called the decision ‘cultural vandalism’ – but some viewers have pondered whether a new owner might improve on shows such as Naked Attraction — an uncensored nude dating show repeatedly branded the ‘worst programme ever shown on TV’.

Ministers deny they are pursuing any vendetta, with Ms Dorries pushing ahead with plans to sell the broadcaster in what will be the biggest disposal of a state-owned asset since Royal Mail in 2013.

She tweeted last night: ‘I have come to the conclusion that government ownership is holding Channel 4 back from competing against streaming giants like Netflix and Amazon’. 

US TV giants Paramount and Discovery are said to be vying with ITV and Sky to buy Channel 4 for £1billion and take it out of public ownership amid years of rows over its treatment of the Conservatives.

Its star presenter Jon Snow, who retired last year after 32 years, was accused of chanting ‘f**k the Tories’ at Glastonbury while Channel 4 News has been criticised for years over its coverage, most recently of and climate change.When secured a 80-seat majority in 2019, boos rang out in the studio during C4’s live news coverage of the general election hosted by Krishnan Guru-Murthy. 

Shadow culture secretary Lucy Powell said today that the decision was a ‘petty little vendetta against Channel 4’ that will ‘serve no good for the British public’, adding: ‘It doesn’t make any sense.I can’t find many people are in favour of it’. 

Alastair Campbell, Tony Blair’s former spin doctor, tweeted: ‘The Channel 4 move is right out of the Orban playbook and timed to make it blatant. Part of their purpose is to wind up ‘liberals’.’ Disgraced Labour MP Claudia Webbe, now an independent, tweeted: ‘This is not freedom or independence – its the seedbed of fascism. Tory privatisation of Channel 4 is revenge for all the good journalism they did’.

Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries is pushing ahead with plans to sell the broadcaster in what will be the biggest disposal of a state-owned asset since Royal Mail nine years ago.

Some hope that it will see the end of shows such as Naked Attraction, hosted by Anna Richardson

Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries is pushing ahead with plans to sell the broadcaster in what will be the biggest disposal of a state-owned asset since Royal Mail nine years ago.Some hope that it will see the end of shows such as Naked Attraction, hosted by Anna Richardson

Viewers hope that a new Channel 4 could look to revamp its coverage and go back to its roots

Viewers hope that a new Channel 4 could look to revamp its coverage and go back to its roots 

Labour supporters including disgraced MP Claudia Webbe and Alastair Campbell compared the move to fascism and Viktor Orban

Labour supporters including disgraced MP Claudia Webbe and Alastair Campbell compared the move to fascism and Viktor Orban 

The Government has given the green light to the privatisation of Channel 4 after rows over funding and the balance of its coverage

The Government has given the green light to the privatisation of Channel 4 after rows over funding and xxx viedos the balance of its coverage

US TV giants Paramount and Discovery are said to be vying with ITV and Sky to buy Channel 4 for £1billion

US TV giants Paramount and Discovery are said to be vying with ITV and Sky to buy Channel 4 for £1billion

US TV giants Paramount and Discovery are said to be vying with ITV and Sky to buy Channel 4 for £1billion

Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries tweeted: 'Channel 4 rightly holds a cherished place in British life and I want that to remain the case'

Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries tweeted: ‘Channel 4 rightly holds a cherished place in British life and I want that to remain the case’

Now retired Channel 4 news presenter Jon Snow was accused of apparently joining in a chant of 'F*** The Tories' while attending Glastonbury music festival in 2017 (pictured)

Now retired Channel 4 news presenter Jon Snow was accused of apparently joining in a chant of ‘F*** The Tories’ while attending Glastonbury music festival in 2017 (pictured)

<div class="art-ins mol-factbox floatRHS news" data-version="2" id="mol-66ec38b0-b4da-11ec-9728-cf98a5176ff9" website Channel 4 end up in US hands? Paramount and Discovery touted

Jill Duggar's husband Derick Dillard passes bar exam to become lawyer

People may want to think twice before messing with Jill Duggar — because her husband, Derick Dillard, is officially a lawyer.

Derick, 33, has officially passed the bar exam, which he sat for on February 23, about eight months after he graduated from the University of Arkansas School of Law in May 2021. 

While the Dillards have not yet publicly acknowledged the achievement, the Supreme Court of Arkansas reports that Derick has completed all of the requirements to ‘be certified to the Clerk of the Arkansas Supreme Court for admission as [an] attorney licensed to practice law in Arkansas.’ 

Jill Duggar's husband, Derick Dillard, 33, has officially passed the Arkansas bar exam, which he sat for on February 23

Jill Duggar’s husband, Derick Dillard, 33, has officially passed the Arkansas bar exam, which he sat for on February 23

He graduated from the University of Arkansas School of Law in May 2021 and now, according to the Supreme Court of Arkansas, has completed all the requirements to be a lawyer

He graduated from the University of Arkansas School of Law in May 2021 and now, according to the Supreme Court of Arkansas, has completed all the requirements to be a lawyer

Derick is the most educated of the Duggar and Duggar-adjacent clan, having graduated with a degree in accounting from Oklahoma State University a decade ago and earned in JD last year

Derick is the most educated of the Duggar and Duggar-adjacent clan, having graduated with a degree in accounting from Oklahoma State University a decade ago and earned in JD last year

Derick is the most educated of the Duggar and Duggar-adjacent clan, having graduated with a degree in accounting from Oklahoma State University a decade ago and earned in JD last year.

The Duggars were all homeschooled, and none hold college degrees — though Jinger’s husband, Jeremy, has a bachelor’s degree and is in seminary school.

Derick shared photos of himself studying during law school, and even took Jill to class with him at least once.

‘Although law school wasn’t easy, Derick enjoyed it overall and had many great experiences!’ the couple wrote on their blog last summer.

‘While in school, he enjoyed working in several different areas of public service law at both the state and federal levels, including prosecution, defense and judicial work!’

Derick shared photos of himself studying during law school, and even took Jill to class with him at least once

Derick shared photos of himself studying during law school, and even took Jill to class with him at least once

'Although law school wasn't easy, Derick enjoyed it overall and had many great experiences!' the couple wrote on their blog last summer

‘Although law school wasn’t easy, Derick enjoyed it overall and had many great experiences!’ the couple wrote on their blog last summer

Derick has been outspoken about how the law has intersected with his own life. Since he and Jill left the family's reality show, Counting On, he has made accusations about unfair contracts, claiming that only Jill's father, Jim Bob, was paid by TLC

Derick has been outspoken about how the law has intersected with his own life.Since he and Jill left the family’s reality show, Counting On, he has made accusations about unfair contracts, claiming that only Jill’s father, Jim Bob, was paid by TLC 

Derick was a Public Service Fellow, for which he received a scholarship, and was also selected or porn latina the Arkansas Public Service Academy. 

He also got hands-on practice representing clients under supervision through the school’s criminal and immigration legal clinics. 

‘Eventually, he hopes to work in some type of public service law,’ the couple wrote.

Derick has been outspoken about how the law has intersected with his own life.Since he and Jill left the family’s reality show, Counting On, he has made accusations about unfair contracts, claiming that only Jill’s father, Jim Bob, was paid by TLC.

‘All of the shows have been under his contract, and he is the only one with a contract,’ he said on Twitter in December 2019.  

‘Basically, once we got an attorney involved, we were able to recover a portion at least of what Jill should have been paid,’ Derick added in a YouTube Q&A. 

Derick had been present for every day of Josh's trial on child pornography charges, and was accompanied by Jill on the last day

Derick had been present for every day of Josh's trial on child pornography charges, and was accompanied by Jill on the last day

Derick had been present for every day of Josh’s trial on child pornography charges, and was accompanied by Jill on the last day

After the verdict was read, they released a statement on their blog, saying:  Nobody is above the law'

After the verdict was read, they released a statement on their blog, saying:  Nobody is above the law’

He also claimed that TLC wouldn’t release them from a ‘bogus contract,’ though the details of that are unclear.

Derick had been present for every day of Josh’s trial on child pornography charges, and was accompanied by Jill on the last day.

After the verdict was read, they released a statement on their blog. 

‘We are thankful for the hard work of law enforcement, including investigators, forensic analysts, prosecutors, and all others involved who save kids and hold accountable those responsible for their abuse,’ they wrote.

‘Nobody is above the law.It applies equally to everybody, no matter your wealth, status, associations, gender, race, or any other factor. Today, the people of the Western District of Arkansas made that clear in their verdict.’ 

Derick becoming a lawyer is the latest bit of good news for the couple, who are expecting their third child. 

Jill and Derick announced last month that they are expecting a third son this summer

Jill and Derick announced last month that they are expecting a third son this summer 

The couple revealed that Jill, 30, is pregnant with baby number three in February, after previously sharing that she had suffered a miscarriage last fall

The couple revealed that Jill, 30, is pregnant with baby number three in February, after previously sharing that she had suffered a miscarriage last fall

Jill will give birth five years after her last delivery - an eon compared to other members of her family, who tend to give birth in quick succession

Jill will give birth five years after her last delivery – an eon compared to other members of her family, who tend to give birth in quick succession

In February, they revealed that Jill, 30, is pregnant with baby number three, after previously sharing that she had suffered a miscarriage last fall.

In March, they added that six-year-old Israel and four-year-old Samuel are getting a baby brother in July.

‘We had originally planned on finding out our baby’s gender earlier, a couple weeks ago, but Covid hit our family and we had to delay the exciting revelation,’ they said. 

‘However, this turned out to be a blessing in disguise because by the time we were able to reschedule, Israel was on spring break.This meant our whole family could be together for the appointment, as we all found out together that another little boy would be joining the Dillard tribe!

‘We decided to make a special day of it by starting off by eating breakfast together at a local restaurant called the Buttered Biscuit.Then we did a little shopping before heading to our appointment to learn the exciting news. 

‘We are thankful to have a healthy baby boy due in July! Your continued prayers are much appreciated,’ they concluded. 

'We are thankful to have a healthy baby boy due in July! Your continued prayers are much appreciated,' she and her husband wrote on their website

 ‘We are thankful to have a healthy baby boy due in July!Your continued prayers are much appreciated,’ she and her husband wrote on their website

Jill and Derick's bout of COVID-19 appears to have been mild enough, and the couple told fans that they had both been vaccinated, though neither had received a booster shot

Jill and Derick’s bout of COVID-19 appears to have been mild enough, and the couple told fans that they had both been vaccinated, though neither had received a booster shot 

Jill and Derick’s bout of COVID-19 appears to have been mild enough, and the couple told fans that they had both been vaccinated, though neither had received a booster shot.

The Dillards’ initial pregnancy announcement came on February 27, when they admitted they had ‘been keeping a little secret.’

‘Ever since we were devastated last fall by the miscarriage of our sweet baby, River Bliss, we have prayed that, if it was God’s will, he would bless us with another baby,’ they wrote at the time.

‘We are excited to announce that God has answered our prayers and we are expecting our rainbow baby due July 2022!’

Jill’s July due date means she likely conceived in October — and likely learned she was pregnant right before her oldest brother Josh’s trial on child pornography charges, which began on November 30.