Survivalist who faked death to avoid child porn charges is arrested

An man who faked his own death and fled the state to avoid a trial on child pornography charges has been arrested after six years on the run.

Jacob Channce Greer, 28, from Des Moines, was found on Monday and arrested in Spanaway, Washington, 1,700miles away from his grandmother’s home after fleeing with money, a bow, arrows and a backpack full of survival gear.

Jacob Channce Greer, 28, from Des Moines, was found on Monday and arrested after last being seen at a Wal-Mart in Kalispell, Montana, on June 3, 2016, wearing a camouflage hat

Jacob Channce Greer, 28, from Des Moines, was found on Monday and arrested after last being seen at a Wal-Mart in Kalispell, Montana, on June 3, 2016, wearing a camouflage hat

He was last seen at a in Kalispell, , on June 3, 2016, wearing a camouflage hat. 

Mike Powell, supervisory deputy U.S. marshal for the Southern District of Iowa, told  that Mr Greer was living ‘off the grid’ after he fled his grandmother’s property.  

‘After that, we think he probably traveled to the state of Washington,’ Mr Powell added and that he was living in homeless shelters ‘and taking odd jobs when he could.’

It is not known how Mr Greer made it to Spanaway, whether he was helped or how he managed to survive for six years.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers first arrested Mr Greer on charges of receipt and possession of child pornography in April 2016.

Described by the authorities as a ‘survivalist’, he was released under pretrial supervision with an ankle monitor and was living with his grandmother in Des Moines.

On May 31, 2016, Mr Greer’s probation officer received a monitoring alert indicating his GPS device had been removed. 

A multiagency search effort ensued and Mr Greer’s vehicle was found with a suicide note inside of it. 

Mr Greer was arrested in Spanaway, Washington, 1,700miles away from his grandmother’s home after fleeing with money, a bow, arrows and a backpack full of survival gear

However, searchers did not find Mr Greer’s body and a federal arrest warrant was issued that day.

Through additional interviews, investigators learned Mr Greer was a ‘survivalist’ and had plans to ‘live off the land’ in remote areas of the upper western states or southern Canada, hiding out in abandoned cabins. 

On June 8, 2016, the forestry service located another vehicle associated with Mr Greer in Tuchuck Campground in Flathead, Montana, but he was not there. 

Described by the authorities as a 'survivalist', he was released under pretrial supervision with an ankle monitor and was living with his grandmother in Des Moines (pictured)

Described by the authorities as a ‘survivalist’, he was released under pretrial supervision with an ankle monitor porno and was living with his grandmother in Des Moines (pictured)

Through additional interviews, investigators learned Mr Greer was a survivalist and had plans to live off the land in remote areas of the upper western states or southern Canada, hiding out in abandoned cabins (stock image of Spanaway, Washington)

Through additional interviews, investigators learned Mr Greer was a survivalist and had plans to live off the land in remote areas of the upper western states or southern Canada, hiding out in abandoned cabins (stock image of Spanaway, Washington)

Investigators discovered Mr Greer had purchased the car with a $1,000 loan from a friend and that he had fled Iowa. 

‘The arrest of Jacob Greer after six years is a testament to the tenacity of Deputy U.S. Marshals and our investigative partners,’ said U.S. Marshal for the Southern District of Iowa Ted Kamatchus. ‘Even though the case went cold, they would not quit.’

Mr Greer is currently at the Federal Detention Center in Seattle and he will be brought to Des Moines to stand trial. 

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Lies, damned lies and some very big egos!



(Simon & Schuster £25, 832pp) 

During the early days of August 1974, President Richard Nixon was engulfed by the ever-expanding scandals of the Watergate affair. It had become a way of life. By now he was drinking heavily, often alone, depressed, anxious and uncertain of what to do. 

Award-winning historian Garrett M. Graff uncovers the hidden secrets of human flaws in the Watergate scandal

Award-winning historian Garrett M. Graff uncovers the hidden secrets of human flaws in the Watergate scandal

A couple of days before he became the first man to voluntarily resign the presidency, he told his Chief of Staff, Alexander Haig: ‘Al, you soldiers have the best way of dealing with a situation like this. You just leave a man alone in a room with a loaded pistol.’ 

Haig knew Nixon was speaking figuratively about suicide. But Defence Secretary James Schlesinger believed it went beyond that. 

He recalled an alarming remark Nixon had made to U.S. politicians when asked about fighting Communism: ‘I can go in my office and pick up a telephone, and in 25 minutes millions of people will be dead.’ 

Increasingly concerned about the President’s mental state and fearful that he could plunge the world into a holocaust, Schlesinger took an extraordinary step. He told America’s military leaders that if the President gave them any orders, commanders should check either with him or the Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger. In other words: ‘If you’re ordered to push the button, make sure you run it by me first.’ 

In the event, the final days of the Nixon presidency passed off without alarms. 

This extraordinary insight into the pressures engulfing the most powerful man in America is just one of countless rich anecdotes in Garrett Graff’s monumental history of the Watergate affair. 

Vividly told by Graff, a prolific and awardwinning journalist and historian, this work effortlessly clarifies the strands of one of the most complex episodes in modern history and is full of vivid characters: doomed advisers, diligent journalists, assiduous political investigators on Capitol Hill. 

‘My goal,’ writes Graff, ‘was not to reinvestigate.’ Instead he relies on v­oluminous sources and documentary evidence to tell the story as clearly as possible. 

Watergate might have started with a failed robbery, but it led to dozens more arrests, the ruin of several political careers — including two AttorneysGeneral — an alleged kidnapping, investigations by the FBI and Congress, an FBI director jailed, the sinking of a VicePresident (Spiro Agnew was convicted of bribery), and the ruin of the President as well as most of the President’s men. 

It is one of the most reported stories ever. There are more than 30 memoirs from key participants, hundreds of pages of transcripts of Nixon’s tapes and 30 volumes of a senate committee report. 

For people in this country, the defining image, from the Oscar-winning movie All The President’s Men, will be of Robert Redford and Dustin Hoffman as the Washington Post’s investigative reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, leaping over newsroom desks in their hurry to uncover the scandal after another meeting with their source, Deep Throat, and bring what turns out to be a corrupt President to justice. 

Haig knew Nixon was speaking figuratively about suicide. But Defence Secretary James Schlesinger believed it went beyond that.

Haig knew Nixon was speaking figuratively about suicide. But Defence Secretary James Schlesinger believed it went beyond that.

The driving force behind the scandal was the insane levels of paranoia in the White House, which became critical in 1971 when the Washington Post and New York Times published what became known as the Pentagon Papers, thousands of leaked documents chronicling decades of U.S. involvement in Vietnam and revealing the lies told to the American people. 

With Nixon furious at the leaks, hostile to the Press and determined not to have his re-election jeopardised, a ruthless attitude of ‘win at all costs’ developed in the White House. To this end, the President signed up a team of former CIA and FBI operatives to do his dirty work. Determined to smear Daniel Ellsberg, the man who leaked the Pentagon Papers, one of their first jobs was to break into the offices of his psychiatrist, hoping to find something damaging. 

But the scandal really began on June 17, 1972, with a 2.30am breakin at the Watergate building, a mile from the White House. 

When police arrived, they found five men in the offices of the Democratic Party National Committee, wearing suits and latex gloves and carrying bugging devices and walkie-talkies, as well as hundreds of dollars to bribe security. 

Not your typical burglars, then. That became even more apparent at the first court hearing a few hours later, when one of the defendants, James W. McCord Jr, told the judge he was a security consultant, recently working for the CIA. The judge was visibly taken aback. It was clear this was no normal break-in. 

There were two conspiracies, argues Graff. The first, to burgle the Democrats, was part of the Republican Nixon world’s paranoid obsession with dirty tricks — bugging, smearing, stealing documents. It was chaotic, but it was a worked-out plan to subvert the 1972 presidential election. Quite why is beyond anyone’s guess: Nixon won it by a landslide. 

The second conspiracy — the cover-up — just grew and grew because no one stopped it. And it went right to the top. 

As the shockwaves of the breakin widened, with allegations of slush funds, corruption, misplaced campaign funding, bribery and tax fraud, the proliferating scandal was blown wide open in July 1973 when it was revealed that Nixon had routinely taped every conversation and call in the Oval Office. 

He fought hard to keep his profanity-strewn recordings secret, but lost in the Supreme Court — and the crucial tape, The Smoking Pistol, was revealed. 

On it, in a conversation that took place just six days after the W­atergate break-in, Nixon and his Chief of Staff Bob Haldeman are heard plotting to persuade the CIA to tell the FBI to drop any inquiry. 

So the cover-up had started in the Oval Office. Within days Nixon was gone. 

The tragedy was that in many ways he should be regarded as one of the greatest men to occupy the White House. Nixon wound down the Vietnam War, signed the Clean Air Act, created the Environmental Protection Agency, hiked social security, declared war on cancer, tripled the number of women in policy-making roles, calmed the Cold War and was the first to visit Peking and Moscow. 

WATERGATE: A NEW HISTORY by Garrett M. Graff (Simon & Schuster £25, 832pp)

WATERGATE: A NEW HISTORY by Garrett M. Graff (Simon & Schuster £25, 832pp)

But he was betrayed by his darker side: paranoid, fearful of his opponents and the media, and determined to do them down. 

Even now the Watergate scandal retains its mysteries, admits Graff. Who ordered the break-in? What was the purpose and target? Were they looking for blackmail material — there were rumours of a call girl ring at Democratic HQ — or disruptive political intelligence? 

For anyone growing up as a journalist in this period, the role of the anonymous source Deep Throat — a nickname from a big gay porn film of the time — was heroic. 

Graff is more sceptical. Deep Throat was outed decades later as Mark Felt, the deputy director of the FBI. But for Graff, Felt’s actions were the payback of an embittered man, furious that he had been passed over to succeed J. Edgar Hoover as FBI director. 

This is a masterful, epic look at a story that is still barely believable. Graff skilfully guides us through the forest of supporting players, crooks, conmen, business aides, judges, lawyers, miscellaneous wives, White House operatives, spooks and cops. If anything, for this limey reader not totally steeped in the story for decades, a few pages listing the various players would not have gone amiss. 

For America, the scandal ushered in an age of greater transparency and hard-nosed investigative watchdog journalism that still, thankfully, exists. 

But despite the lessons of W­atergate, in our own time P­resident Trump not only wanted to screw up his opponents, just like Nixon, but unlike Nixon, refused to accept an election result. 

He even fomented a revolt on the Capitol Building that has not lost its power to shock. 

Perhaps we should go back to Watergate and re-learn its lessons. In politics, as in everything, morality matters.

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Electric vehicle charge points are hacked to show PORN websites

Electric vehicle owners were left shocked after charging points in council-owned car parks were hacked to show lewd images of pornography.

The Isle of Wight Council released a statement apologising for the cyber hack that saw three car parks terminals attacked and left displaying ‘inappropriate content’.

The three charge points, in Quay Road, Ryde, Cross Street, Cowes and Moa Place, Freshwater, were all hacked to show off revolting images directly from a free download porn videos site. 

Staff are reportedly now attending the charging points in order to cut off any third party interference and ‘cover up’ the charging points’ external web addresses. 

In a statement, the council apologised to ‘anyone who may have found the inappropriate web content’. 

Electric vehicle owners were left shocked after charging points in Isle of Wight council-owned car parks were hacked to show lewd images of pornography

Electric vehicle owners were left shocked after charging points in Isle of Wight council-owned car parks were hacked to show lewd images of pornography

The screens on charging points had been supposed to display the network’s own website, but the web address had been altered to direct users to a pornographic site instead.

The council said: ‘We are saddened to learn that a third-party web address displayed on our electric vehicle (EV) signage appears to have been hacked.

‘A council officer will be visiting the EV signage today and tomorrow to ensure the third-party web address is covered up.

‘The council would like to apologise to anyone that may have found the inappropriate web content, and for any inconvenience from chargepoints out of action.’

The Isle of Wight Council released a statement apologising for the cyber hack that saw three car parks terminals attacked and left displaying 'inappropriate content'. [File image]

The Isle of Wight Council released a statement apologising for the cyber hack that saw three car parks terminals attacked and left displaying ‘inappropriate content’.[File image] 

The authority said it was also aware some charge points in council car parks were unreliable.

Affected chargers were originally part of the ChargePoint Genie network, but had recently been transferred to the GeniePoint network.

The spokesman added that the council is aware of the ‘unreliability’ of some of the chargepoints in its car parks, and these will be replaced ‘over the next few months’.

Surprisingly sensitive sex tape drama Pam & Tommy still makes us voyeurs

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Lily James and Sebastian Stan are Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee in Pam and Tommy on Hulu.

Sebastian Stan and Lily James are Tommy Lee and Pamela Anderson in suprisingly sympathetic comedy-drama Pam & Tommy.


In the mid-1990s, a sex tape involving glamorous TV star Pamela Anderson and wild man rocker Tommy Lee became the first viral video sensation. Comical and absorbing new 

 and miniseries Pam & Tommy unspools the bizarre tale of the tape in surprisingly sympathetic style. But in enjoying this intriguing true story bejazzled with ’90s nostalgia, are we just as complicit as those who stole, exploited and consumed that intimate tape in the first place?

The first three episodes of Pam & Tommy are streaming now on Hulu in the US and on Disney Plus elsewhere, with further installments of the 8-episode series following each Wednesday.

Based on an , the miniseries was developed by and Evan Goldberg. The series was written by Robert D. Siegel (among others), who wrote The Wrestler and another true story, , about the early days of McDonald’s. Siegel was also a writer for satirical website The Onion, and this project seems like a smashing together of those things: a semi-satirical story that mines outrageous comedy from actual headlines.

Rogen also stars, and the focus is squarely on him to start with. He plays Rand Gauthier, a well-read but hapless contractor who sports a greasy mullet and is building a sex palace for Motley Crue drummer Tommy Lee. Marvel star  plays Lee as a mercurial and unfailingly obnoxious loudmouth, strutting around in only tattoos and a G-string, oblivious to the little people around him until he switches to a petty and vindictive asshole. Being scorned by the rich and famous rock star is one humiliation too many for Rand, who comes up with a harebrained scheme to get even. And in the process, scores something bigger than he ever expected, but it spirals out of control.

Seth Rogen and Nick Offerman are the low-lifes who exploited the Pamela Anderson sex tape.Seth Rogen and Nick Offerman are the low-lifes who exploited the Pamela Anderson sex tape.

From left: Seth Rogen and Nick Offerman are the lowlifes who exploited the Pamela Anderson sex tape.


Rand’s revenge unexpectedly uncovers a home movie tape from Lee’s honeymoon with his new bride Pamela Anderson, the world’s latest pinup thanks to her scantily clad role in hit TV series Baywatch. She’s a small-town girl from Canada who got her break when the spotlight lit on her (literally) at a Vancouver football game, and she was soon gracing the pages of Playboy. Pam & Tommy introduces her swearing off bad boys, but then Lee struts into her life and a whirlwind romance strikes up.

As anyone who was around in the ’90s will remember, their honeymoon was immortalized in a tape that included a glimpse of the newlyweds consummating the relationship. Rand, a sometime porn Latina star, used his connections to begin selling copies of the tape. But he ended up having even less control over the stolen video than the people in it, and the series charts the twists and turns of this bizarre true story as Rand falls in with debauched porn producers, ruthless mobsters and seamy hucksters.

Pam & Tommy finds the dark humor in moments like Rogen crawling across a lawn with a rug on his back so security cameras think he’s a dog, or depicting Lee’s infamous member flying across the screen in hedonistic slo-mo. It’s also a regular nostalgia-fest, full of ’90s music and fashions from Primal Scream to Nine Inch Nails to La Bouche and 69 Boyz (mixed in with dreamy soul classics, in fun but frenetic fashion).

But these aren’t comedy characters, they’re real people, and the video has devastating emotional consequences. Not least for Pamela Anderson herself, who was on the cusp of leaving TV and launching a movie career at the same time as starting a family. The series explores the role played by the video in the early days of both the internet and Anderson’s career. Only one would take off.

looks the part as the Baywatch star, but in a series that’s so keen to take Anderson’s side, she’s often frustratingly sidelined. Anderson is shown making smart business decisions and possessing a shrewd understanding of show business, and is portrayed as a creature of contradictions — something both the real and fictional Pamela Anderson embrace — but the insights into her personality feel somewhat superficial.

James (as Anderson) keeps having to explain to her husband, her lawyers and the viewer why this situation is such a disaster for her — because she’s a woman, and is judged by different standards than men. It isn’t meant to be subtle, but these speeches deliver the moral of the story straight down the camera: Her speeches about the double standards applied to women in the public eye may be thought-provoking, but the speechiness makes her feel less like a real person and dangerously close to being a mouthpiece for the show’s Big Important Themes.

FBI seizes $90m yacht owned by Putin ally Viktor Vekselberg in Spain

The and Spanish authorities seized mega yacht Monday owned by oligarch and friend Viktor Vekselberg – amid calls for even tighter sanctions on Russia following new discoveries of atrocities outside .

The 254-foot vessel was docked in Palma de Mallorca, the capital of ´s Balearic Islands and a playground and tax haven for the wealthy. 

The seizure was a joint operation including FBI and Homeland Security Investigations as well as Spain’s Civil Guard carried out at the request of U.S.authorities.

The seizure was the the first in the U.S. government’s sanctions initiative to ‘seize and freeze’ giant vessels and other pricey assets of Russian elites in an effort to turn up pressure on Putin in response to the invasion. 

It came hours after new horrors emerged from the suburb of Bucha outside Kyiv, Ukrainian forces who pushed back Russian invaders discovered bodies of Ukrainian citizens shot dead in the street, some with their hands tied behind their backs.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky called it ‘genocide,’ and there was a new push within the Biden administration for tougher sanctions. 

‘I’m going to continue to add more sanctions,’ President Joe Biden said Monday as he arrived from his home in Delaware to Washington. He repeated his assessment that Putin had committed ‘war crimes,’ but stopped short of saying Russia had committed genocide.

The FBI and Spanish authorities seized a mega yacht belonging to oligarch Viktor Vekselberg on Monday, amid calls to further tighten sanctions on Russia

The FBI and Spanish authorities seized a mega yacht belonging to oligarch Viktor Vekselberg on Monday, amid calls to further tighten sanctions on Russia

The also pushing to suspend Russia from the UN Human Rights Council – the panel charged with exposing abuses like the kind being uncovered amid Russia’s war on Ukraine. The move would require a two-thirds vote of the UN General Assembly.  

A Civil Guard source said the immobilized yacht is Tango, a vessel flagged in the Cook Islands that, a specialized website that tracks the world´s largest and most exclusive recreational boats, values at $120 million.   

The Justice Department put the value lower, at $90 million, in its official release. 

The yacht is among the assets linked to Viktor Vekselberg, a billionaire and close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin who heads the Moscow-based Renova Group, a conglomerate encompassing metals, mining, tech and other assets, according to U.S.Treasury Department documents. 

All of Vekselberg´s assets in the U.S. are frozen and U.S. companies are forbidden from doing business with him and his entities.

While Vekselberg has not been sanctioned by the European Union, he is under investigation in the U.S.for possible tax fraud, money laundering and falsifying documents precisely to hide the ownership of the Tango yacht, the Civil Guard said in a statement.  

According to the Superyachtfan web site, the ship has 7 cabins and can sleep up to 14 guests, with a crew of 22.There are no available interior photos – although it has four 1,730 hp diesel engines and can make 22 knots. 

According to the Justice Department, a warrant for the seizure alleged ‘that the Tango was subject to forfeiture based on violation of fraud, money laundering, and sanction statutes. Separately, seizure warrants obtained in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia target approximately $625,000 associated with sanctioned parties held at nine U.S. financial institutions.’

Documents filed in the case allege that Vekselberg ‘used shell companies to obfuscate his interest in the Tango to avoid bank oversight into U.S.dollar transactions.’

He was sanctioned by the Treasury Department in 2018, but ‘continued to make U.S. dollar payments through U.S. banks for the support and maintenance of the Tango and its owners, including a payment for a December 2020 stay at a luxury water villa resort in the Maldives and mooring fees for the yacht.’

‘Today’s action makes clear that corrupt Russian oligarchs cannot evade sanctions to live a life of luxury as innocent Ukrainians are suffering,’ said Deputy Attorney General Lisa O.Monaco. She said DOJ was delivering ‘on our commitment to hold accountable those whose criminal activity strengthens the Russian government as it continues to wage its unjust war in Ukraine. That commitment is one we are not finished honoring.’

Viktor Vekselberg, chairman of the Board of Directors of Renova Group, is friends with Russian President Vladimir Putin

Viktor Vekselberg, chairman of the Board of Directors of Renova Group, is friends with Russian President Vladimir Putin

A U.S. federal agent and two Civil Guards board the yacht called Tango in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, Monday April 4, 2022. U.S. federal agents and Spain's Civil Guard are searching the yacht owned by oligarch Viktor Vekselberg

A U.S.federal agent and two Civil Guards board the yacht called Tango in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, Monday April 4, 2022. U.S. federal agents and Spain’s Civil Guard are searching the yacht owned by oligarch Viktor Vekselberg

The seized yatch 'Tango', which belongs to Renova Group head Viktor Vekselberg, moors in the port of Palma de Mallorca, a tax haven and playground for global elites

The seized yatch ‘Tango’, which belongs to Renova Group head Viktor Vekselberg, moors in the port of Palma de Mallorca, a tax haven and playground for global elites 

Vekselberg, who made his fortune in aluminum and oil, featured in the Mueller probe

Vekselberg, who made his fortune in aluminum and oil, featured in the Mueller probe

She seizure follows discoveries of atrocities against civilians in Bucha, outside Kyiv

She seizure follows discoveries of atrocities against civilians in Bucha, outside Kyiv

Here the Tango is seen moored in Malaga. Vekselberg bought it in 2011, according to the Justice Department

Here the Tango is seen moored in Malaga.Vekselberg bought it in 2011, according to the Justice Department

Interior photos are not available, although it can accommodate 14 guests

Interior photos are not available, although it can accommodate 14 guests

The move is the first time the U.S.government has seized an oligarch´s yacht since Attorney General Merrick Garland and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen assembled a task force known as REPO – short for Russian Elites, Proxies and Oligarchs – as an effort to enforce sanctions after Russia invaded Ukraine in late February.

Vekselberg has long had ties to the U.S.including a green card he once held and homes in New York and Connecticut. The Ukrainian-born businessman built his fortune by investing in the aluminum and oil industries in the post-Soviet era.

Vekselberg was also questioned in special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 U.S.presidential election and has worked closely with his American cousin, Andrew Intrater, who heads the New York investment management firm Columbus Nova.

Vekselberg and Intrater were thrust into the spotlight in the Mueller probe after porn star Stormy Daniels released a memo that claimed $500,000 in hush money was routed through Columbus Nova to a shell company set up by Donald Trump’s personal attorney, Michael Cohen. Columbus Nova denied that Vekselberg played any role in its payments to Cohen.

Vekselberg and porno indonesia Intrater met with Cohen at Trump Tower, one of several meetings between members of Trump’s inner circle and high-level Russians during the 2016 campaign and transition.

The 64-year-old mogul founded Renova Group more than three decades ago.The group holds the largest stake in United Co. Rusal, Russia´s biggest aluminum producer, among other investments.

Vekselberg was first sanctioned by the U.S. in 2018, and again in March of this year, shortly after the invasion of Ukraine began. Vekselberg has also been sanctioned by authorities in the United Kingdom.

The yacht sails under Cook Islands flag and is owned by a company registered in the British Virgin Islands administered by different societies in Panama, the Civil Guard said, ‘following a complicated financial and societal web to conceal its truthful ownership.’

Agents confiscated documents and computers inside the yacht that will be analyzed to confirm he real identity of the owner, it said.

The U.S.Justice Department has also launched a sanctions enforcement task force known as KleptoCapture, which also aims to enforce financial restrictions in the U.S. imposed on Russia and its billionaires, working with the FBI, Treasury and other federal agencies. That task force will also target financial institutions and entities that have helped oligarchs move money to dodge sanctions.

The White House has said that many allied countries, including German, the U.K, France, Italy and others are involved in trying to collect and share information against Russians targeted for sanctions.In his State of the Union address, President Joe Biden warned oligarch that the U.S. and European allies would ‘find and seize your yachts, your luxury apartments, your private jets.’

‘We are coming for your ill-begotten gains,’ he said.

Monday’s capture is not the first time Spanish authorities have been involved in the seizure of a Russian oligarch´s superyacht.Officials there said they had seized a vessel valued at over $140 million owned by the CEO of a state-owned defense conglomerate and a close Putin ally.

French authorities have also seized superyachts, including one believed to belong to Igor Sechin, a Putin ally who runs Russian oil giant Rosneft, which has been on the U.S.sanctions list since Russia annexed Crimea in 2014.

Italy has also seized several yachts and other assets.

Italian financial police moved quickly seizing the superyacht ‘Lena’ belonging to Gennady Timchenko, an oligarch close to Putin, in the port of San Remo; the 65-meter (215-foot) ‘Lady M’ owned by Alexei Mordashov in nearby Imperia, featuring six suites and estimated to be worth 65 million euros; as well as villas in Tuscany and Como, according to government officials.

Question Time creator JOHN MAIR says left wing bias ruined Channel 4

So is to be sold off by the Government next year, in a privatisation that might raise as much as £1.4 billion. And the reaction of the viewing public is a collective shrug.

Perhaps we’ll sit up and take notice if, as some observers predict, the channel is snapped up by or Disney+.But the woeful truth is that the announcement by Nadine Dorries caused few ripples this week, because there simply hasn’t been much worth watching on C4 in recent years.

Once the nation’s cutting-edge broadcaster, capable of provoking scandal and outrage on an almost nightly basis, it is now the home of flaccid dating shows and endless property makeovers.

I’m a television addict, eager for the sort of current affairs journalism and genre-busting entertainment that C4 used to pioneer.But these days, I tune in chiefly for Gogglebox and the news at 7pm — and I switch off C4 News halfway through after the main headlines, because the second half of that hour has become a service for social workers, a sort of Guardian of the airwaves.

Woeful: New Channel 4 show Open House: The Great Sex Experiment, in which, says C4, ¿committed couples come to a luxury retreat to test whether opening up their relationships and having sex with other people will strengthen their bond

Woeful: New Channel 4 show Open House: The Great Sex Experiment, in which, says C4, ‘committed couples come to a luxury retreat to test whether opening up their relationships and having sex with other people will strengthen their bond

It’s a sad business.The channel’s demise is entirely the fault of its own overpaid executives, who have become smug and lazy — commissioning endless re-treads of any series that wasn’t an outright failure, such as First Dates or Location, Location, Location.

C4’s fate, expected to be confirmed formally next week, ought to be a stern warning to the BBC.If director-general Tim Davie or anyone else at the corporation believed Boris Johnson would not carry out his threat to privatise a public broadcaster, they know the truth now.

When Channel 4 launched in 1982, it shook up the staid world of television in ways that seemed positively shocking.

Phil Redmond’s scabrous Scouse soap Brookside was a million miles from the homely heartaches of Coronation Street.The writer had challenged C4’s then chief executive Jeremy Isaacs to let him create a serial drama where the teenagers swore the way teenagers really do — not blooming this and sugar that, but with real venom.

Its storylines revolved around unemployment and middle-class drug abuse. The characters drank, and were sometimes violent. They had sex — even gay sex.

The irony was that all this happened on a channel given the go-ahead by Mrs Thatcher and her deputy, William Whitelaw, 40 years ago.There could be no clearer proof that Isaacs and his team were beholden to no one, nor that they intended to redefine what was permissible on TV. Their remit was to challenge the BBC with new content funded not by the licence fee but by advertising.

Remember that, in the 1980s, depictions of homosexuality were still seen as scandalous.And some words simply couldn’t be aired, even on C4. Jools Holland was suspended in 1987 as presenter of the pop magazine The Tube after he let slip an F-bomb in a trailer broadcast at teatime.

Sex was one of C4’s major selling points.Films and dramas with graphic nudity were advertised in the schedules with a red triangle beside the title — supposedly a warning to viewers of a prudish nature, but really a promise of juicy bits in an age before internet porn.

The announcement by Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries caused few ripples this week, because there simply hasn¿t been much worth watching on C4 in recent years

The announcement by Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries caused few ripples this week, because there simply hasn’t been much worth watching on C4 in recent years

These days the channel still tries to push the bar on sex, but shows such as Naked Attraction are desperate fare.Exhibitionists looking for love stand in plastic pods as a screen slowly lifts to reveal their privates, in a nudge-nudge dating show that has neither wit nor flair but is puerile and smutty.

Naked Attraction has, at least, been a hit, in contrast to a lamentable ‘sexology’ programme fronted by Mariella Frostrup in 2013 called Sex Box.Couples disappeared into a padded shipping container for a quickie, while Mariella waited outside with a psychologist. The lovers emerged and reported on their activities. Thankfully, the format didn’t last. The latest in this genre is Open House: The Great Sex Experiment, in which, says C4, ‘committed couples come to a luxury retreat to test whether opening up their relationships and having sex with other people will strengthen their bond’.

This sort of unimaginative output is sadly typical of the channel in the past decade.Its biggest success has probably been to poach The Great British Bake Off from BBC1 for £25 million.

The best you can say about that is that C4 executives didn’t ruin it — because after buying it oven-ready, they wisely left the makers, Love Productions, in charge.Little has changed, and for my money presenters Noel Fielding and Matt Lucas are a more talented act than their predecessors on the Beeb, Mel Giedroyc and Sue Perkins.

As for innovation, other than a few moments of brilliance like It’s A Sin — last year’s acclaimed drama about a group of young gay men living in London during the Aids crisis of the 1980s — it has sunk without trace.

C4¿s fate, expected to be confirmed formally next week, ought to be a stern warning to the BBC. If director-general Tim Davie (pictured) or anyone else at the corporation believed Boris Johnson would not carry out his threat to privatise a public broadcaster, they know the truth now.

C4’s fate, expected to be confirmed formally next week, ought to be a stern warning to the BBC.If director-general Tim Davie (pictured) or anyone else at the corporation believed Boris Johnson would not carry out his threat to privatise a public broadcaster, they know the truth now.

Take the channel’s outstanding tradition of film-making: early Film4 titles included A Month In The Country with Colin Firth and Kenneth Branagh and My Beautiful Laundrette with Daniel Day-Lewis.But 20 years ago the budget for film-making was slashed by two-thirds and now the brand is little more than a niche in the Freeview schedules, rerunning weary Hollywood titles.

Much of C4’s other output has an air of leftover scraps from the big table.How can it be that chief executive Alex Mahon is worth a £991,000 salary, or why her programme director Ian Katz deserves to be paid £536,000 a year, is anybody’s guess. I suspect that, whoever buys the channel next year, those two fat cats will be out through the catflap.

They have tried to make the channel appear relevant by establishing a new ‘national headquarters’ in Leeds, with hubs in Bristol and Glasgow — on the orders of the Government in 2016, with privatisation threatened if they did not.But the bitter reality is that C4 barely merits its existence now — except for its news output, the jewel in its crown. Since its launch in November 1982, it has been the liveliest, most iconoclastic bulletin on air.

For more than 30 years it was fronted by Jon Snow, a genuine heavyweight among news anchors.But Snow retired last year and though his successor Krishnan Guru-Murthy may be the Royal Television Society’s network presenter of the year, he lacks Snow’s gravitas — and his ability to listen to answers without interrupting.

As for his sidekicks, Cathy Newman, Matt Frei and Fatima Manji, they remind me of grown-up children squabbling for attention in the playground.

In its coverage of the biggest international story of the year, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, C4 News has lagged far behind the BBC and Sky.Where its better-funded, higher-profile rivals have sent teams of reporters, often venturing into the centre of the maelstrom, C4 has been mainly watching from the sidelines.

As a television veteran who devoted his career to current affairs — I helped create Question Time for BBC1 in 1979 — this baffles me.A news show that doesn’t want to get to the heart of the action is one that has stopped trying — and when the reporters give up, so will the viewers.

When Channel 4 launched in 1982, it shook up the staid world of television in ways that seemed positively shocking

When Channel 4 launched in 1982, it shook up the staid world of television in ways that seemed positively shocking

I don’t believe C4 News is doomed.Emily Maitlis, the interviewer who skewered Prince Andrew so lethally, left BBC’s Newsnight this year. To have someone of her stature on board would give the entire channel a much-needed shot in the arm. It badly needs a journalist of that magnitude.

For at least ten years, the spectacle of a failing Channel 4 has been reminiscent of a David Attenborough documentary.

The ailing wildebeest has limped along, trying to hide its weakness, and the fact that it has long been unable to lead the herd.

Governments have been snapping at their heels.Now Boris the Lion has pounced. Who gets to devour the carcass, we shall have to wait and see.

And as the lion looks around for his next kill, the BBC should be very nervous.

German prosecutors file charges over major child porn site

BERLIN (AP) – German prosecutors said Friday they have filed charges against four men over their alleged involvement with a major international platform for child pornography that was taken down last year.

Investigators say the “BoysTown” platform, which operated on the darknet, had more than 400,000 members.Pedophiles used it to exchange and watch pornography of children and toddlers, most of them boys, from all over the world. It was shut down in April 2021.

The suspects are aged between 41 and 65, Frankfurt prosecutors said in a statement. Their names weren’t released, porno latin in keeping with German privacy rules.They face charges that include spreading and producing child pornography and sexual abuse of children.

Two of the men are accused of building the platform in 2019. One of them also allegedly sexually abused two children. The other was extradited in October from Paraguay, where he had lived for a few years.

A third suspect is accused of acting as an administrator and moderator for the platform as well as sexually abusing two children. Prosecutors say that the fourth man was “one of the most active users” of the platform.All four are in custody.

The Frankfurt state court now has to decide whether the case will go to trial and if so when. Prosecutors said investigations of other suspected members of the platform are continuing.

Marjorie Taylor Greene calls 3 GOP colleagues 'pro-pedophile'

Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has taken her attacks on fellow Republicans to a new level, accusing a trio of longtime senators of being ‘pro pedophile’ for backing President Biden’s pick for the .

She launched her attack on hours after the three Republicans joined on a procedural motion, putting Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson on track for confirmation, although by a historically tight margin.  

‘Any Senator voting to confirm #KJB is pro-pedophile just like she is,’ wrote the Georgia lawmaker, in a political attack that drew some condemnation on Twitter for being out of bounds.

Neither Judge Jackson nor the GOP senators who said they will back her are pro-pedophile. 

Greene referenced a political attack several Senate Republicans, including Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley mounted at the Judiciary Committee, where they accused the member of the D.C.Circuit Court of Appeals of being ‘soft’ on crime for the way she handed down sentences of people convicted of child porn offenses. 

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) called three Republican senators who are backing Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson 'pro-pedophile'

Rep.Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) called three Republican senators who are backing Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson ‘pro-pedophile’

Democrats shot back that the sentences were in keeping with what parole boards were recommending, even if they were sometimes below sentencing guidelines.

‘There are MANY more qualified black women judges, that actually can define what a woman is, but Biden chose the one that protects evil child predators.And then Romney, Murkowski, and Collins vote for her,’ wrote Greene, who was forced to give up committee assignments after a series of controversial comments. 

She singled out Utah Sen. Mitt Romney, even bringing up his grandchildren in the attack.Romney joined Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski and Maine Sen. Susan Collins in announcing their support for the judge.

 ‘How would you feel if this was one of your children or grandchildren @MittRomney?’ she wrote.

‘You are either a Senator that supports child rapists, child pornography, and the most vile child predators.Or you are a Senator who protects children and votes NO to KJB!’ she added.

Utah Sen. Mitt Romney announced he would back Biden's nominee

Utah Sen. Mitt Romney announced he would back Biden’s nominee

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) was the first Senate Republican to announce her support

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) was the first Senate Republican to announce her support

Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska was among the three Republicans Greene called 'pro-pedophile'

Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska was among the three Republicans Greene called ‘pro-pedophile’

Ketanji Brown Jackson said during her confirmation hearing that she couldn't define what a woman was since she is not a biologist

Ketanji Brown Jackson said during her confirmation hearing that she couldn’t define what a woman was since she is not a biologist

'We came from Adam's rib. God created us with his hands. We may be the weaker sex, we are the weaker sex, but we are our partner, our husband's wife,' she said

‘We came from Adam’s rib.God created us with his hands. We may be the weaker sex, we are the weaker sex, bokep terbaru but we are our partner, our husband’s wife,’ she said

Twitter suspended Greene’s personal account following posts it said violated its policies on COVID misinformation, but she maintains her official account. 

Her latest missive drew some condemnation on Twitter, including from former Trump White House Director of Strategic Communications Alyssa Farah Griffin, who is now a CNN commentator.

‘I’m a conservative.I disagree with Judge Brown’s jurisprudence & some sentencing decisions. But goodness – this statement is stupid, reductive, offensive, unpatriotic, and beneath the office Greene holds,’ she wrote. 

Attacks on Democrats as protecting ‘evil child predators’ have their origins in a bizarre conspiracy that accused prominent Democrats of running a child sex ring out of a pizza parlor before the 2016 election.  

Greene last year apologized for past support of QAnon conspiracy theories, although her comments recalled a past QAnon tale conspiracy theory Donald Trump was leading an effort against a Demoratic-linked child sex trafficking ring.

Her Twitter smear came a day after she tried to ridicule Biden’s nominee for failing to directly answer the question when asked during her confirmation hearing to define what a woman is.

Greene said at an endorsement event in Georgia: ‘I’m going to tell you right now what is a woman,’ the congresswoman said.’This is an easy answer. We are a creation of God. We came from Adam’s rib. God created us with his hands. We may be the weaker sex, we are the weaker sex, but we are our partner, our husband’s wife,’ she said.


A columnist who created the notorious ‘Sh***y Media Men’ list detailing allegations of sexual assault, harassment and misconduct could still go to trial for defamation after a judge declined to resolve the case in her favor.

Moira Donegan, 32, who created the widely circulated list in 2017 at the height of the #MeToo movement, was sued by New Orleans-based journalist Stephen Elliott after the spreadsheet accused him of rape, porno indonesia sexual harassment and ‘coercion.’ Elliott’s lawsuit claimed the allegations are ‘false’ and ‘unsubstantiated.’

Donegan’s attorney, Roberta Kaplan, sought immunity for her client under a controversial law protecting social media users who host or republish information from being held legally responsible for what others do or say online. 

U.S.District Court Judge LaShann DeArcy Hall on Thursday, in an order obtained by, declined the request, arguing that Donegan’s testimony and ‘vague’ recollections about the document did not ‘rule out the possibility’ that she encouraged others to make posts that broke the law.

DeArcy Hall’s ruling leaves the possibility that Donegan could stand trial for defamation, but the case could still be resolved by the judge on ‘other grounds.’

More than 70 men were named on the ‘Sh***y Media Men’ spreadsheet before it was taken offline.Elliott, who is seeking $1.5 million in damages, appears to be the only alleged victim to sue the Brooklyn-based writer.

Moira Donegan, who created the notorious 'Sh***y Media Men' list, could still go to trial for defamation after a judge declined to resolve the case in her favor

Moira Donegan, who created the notorious ‘Sh***y Media Men’ list, could still go to trial for defamation after a judge declined to resolve the case in her favor

Elliott filed his suit against Donegan in 2017, accusing her and at least 30 other unnamed co-defendants of knowingly publishing false allegations of sexual assault and misconduct against him.

His complaint alleged both intentional and negligent infliction of emotional distress as a result of him being included on the list. 

He claimed the publication caused him to ‘became extremely depressed’ and that he ‘enrolled in therapy while actively contemplating suicide.’ 

The journalist also claimed his professional life suffered, as well as his personal life, alleging he was met with isolation from ’employers, colleagues, business associates, friends and family members’ after he was accused of ‘being a rapist,’ among other things.

In addition to the financial compensation, Elliott wants a court order requiring the defendants to ‘issue a written retraction to each and every person to whom they originally published the false and defamatory statements.’ 

Kaplan had attempted to block Elliott’s suit based on Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which states: ‘No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider.’

Donegan, in an affidavit, alleged she did not ‘solicit or encourage anyone to add false statements or false misconduct allegations’ to the spreadsheet.

Her lawyer also argued that Donegan couldn’t have encouraged any of falsehoods against Elliott because she did not know him.

New Orleans-based journalist Stephen Elliott sued Donegan for defamation after he was named on her list. Donegan's attorney sought immunity for the columnist under a controversial law protecting social media users that host or republish from being held legally responsible for what others do or say online

New Orleans-based journalist Stephen Elliott sued Donegan for defamation after he was named on her list.Donegan’s attorney sought immunity for the columnist under a controversial law protecting social media users that host or republish from being held legally responsible for what others do or say online

However, the judge ultimately decided that Donegan – whose Twitter bio says she is currently a gender and politics columnist at The Guardian U.S.- hadn’t provided enough evidence to prove she is entitled to use the Communications Decency Act to block the suit.

‘Unfortunately, Defendant offers no authority for this proposition and the court has found none,’ DeArcy Hall wrote in the 17-page order.

She cited Donegan’s testimony and ‘vague recollections’ of the events surrounding the list as evidence for her ruling.  

‘Rather than providing facts regarding her communications with respect to the Spreadsheet, Defendant’s testimony simply highlights that she does not recall what she said or wrote to others regarding the Spreadsheet,’ DeArcy Hall wrote. 

In a 17-page order obtained by, the judge argued Donegan's testimony and 'vague' recollections about the document did not 'rule out the possibility' that she encouraged others to make posts that broke the law

In a 17-page order obtained by, the judge argued Donegan’s testimony and ‘vague’ recollections about the document did not ‘rule out the possibility’ that she encouraged others to make posts that broke the law

The judge also argued that Donegan hadn't provided enough evidence to prove she is entitled to use the Communications Decency Act to block the suit

The judge also argued that Donegan hadn’t provided enough evidence to prove she is entitled to use the Communications Decency Act to block the suit

‘Defendant’s inability to recall the contents of her communications leaves open the possibility that Defendant did specifically encourage the posting of unlawful content.’ 

One of Elliott’s attorneys, Andrew Miltenberg, issued a statement to Friday night, reading: ‘Allowing this lawsuit to move forward is critical for due process and the Constitutional right for the accused to face their accusers, particularly at a time in the MeToo era when online, anonymous accusations are being made with impunity, destroying reputations and careers.

‘Judge DeArcy Hall’s decision today shows that Section 230 is not an acceptable defense for being the ring-leader of broad-based online character assassinations.Moreover, the fact that Ms. Donegan deleted her “Sh***y Media Men” spreadsheet and the majority of her related communications – the primary evidence in this case – is revealing.’

Another one of Elliott’s lawyers, Nick Lewis, told  

Porn heiress India Rose James curates exhibition for Ukraine

Soho heiress Rose James is launching an art exhibition to raise money for Ukraine after hearing harrowing stories of ‘rape and sex trafficking’. 

The multi-millionaire granddaughter of late British porn and property mogul Paul Raymond was invited to be chief curator for an auction hosted by the Art On A Postcard charity. 

The exhibition, in aid of the Choose Love charity appeal, will sell small artworks from celebrities and budding artists including Courtney Love and Joe Lycett from £50. 

Polly Edsell, an artist who has previously created collages using copies of old porn magazine’s by India’s grandfather, will also feature in the collection – showcased in a private exhibit at the heiress’ Soho galley later this month. 

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    She founded the charity with the aim of eliminating Hepatitis C – however decided to deviate from tradition considering the situation in Ukraine.  

    India, whose £329million fortune saw her beat the Queen ‘s wealth and make the Sunday Times rich list at just 21, launched her London gallery, Soho Revu, in 2015. 

    India, whose £329million fortune saw her beat the Queen 's wealth and make the Sunday Times rich list at just 21, launched her London gallery, Soho Revu, in 2015

    India, whose £329million fortune saw her beat the Queen ‘s wealth and make the Sunday Times rich list at just 21, launched her London gallery, Soho Revu, in 2015

    It originally opened in an old recording studio on Greek Street but has since relocated to Walker’s Court – which was once the site of site of Britain’s first-ever strip club, the Revuebar.

    Paul Raymond, India’s beloved ‘Papa’, opened the famously raunchy Raymond Revuebar in 1958 before branching out and founding his own adult magazine empire in 1964. 

    Over the following years ploughed his profits into property to the extent that it was said he bought a freehold a week in 1977. The nickname ‘the King of Soho’ followed. 

    When Paul died in 2008, the majority of his portfolio was left to India and her half-sister Fawn (whose biological father is Duncan Mackay from the rock band 10cc, xhamster but was adopted by India’s father John James as a child) then aged 16 and 22, respectively. A hefty chunk was also left to Paul’s son Howard.

    India and Fawn’s mother Debbie died of a drug overdose at the age of 36, leaving behind ten-month-old India and six-year-old Fawn. 

    Paul Raymond, India's beloved 'Papa', opened the famously raunchy Raymond Revuebar (pictured) in 1958 before branching out and founding his own adult magazine empire in 1964

    Paul Raymond, India’s beloved ‘Papa’, opened the famously raunchy Raymond Revuebar (pictured) in 1958 before branching out and founding his own adult magazine empire in 1964

    The family fortune, which was estimated at £482 million in the 2016 Sunday Times rich list, is derived from a property empire that includes the site of Soho House, nightclub The Box, and the former premises of the bookshop Foyles.

    In her early 20s, India, who has been sober for four years, became a firm fixture on the London social scene, frequenting fashion launches and art openings. 

    It was on a night out at celebrity haunt Brown’s Hotel, in Mayfair, that she met former  fiancé Hugh Harris, lead guitarist of The Kooks. Their first kiss was at Reading Festival in 2015 and three months later India was pregnant. 

    Hugh proposed with an enormous emerald on the roof of the Hotel Café Royal in Piccadilly Circus in 2016. 

    Soon afterwards their daughter Sapphire, known as Saffi, was born at The Portland Hospital in Central London, where well-heeled women including Victoria Beckham and the Duchess of York go to give birth.

    The couple never married and later separated.  

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