Marjorie Taylor Greene calls 3 GOP colleagues 'pro-pedophile'

Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has taken her attacks on fellow Republicans to a new level, accusing a trio of longtime senators of being ‘pro pedophile’ for backing President Biden’s pick for the .

She launched her attack on hours after the three Republicans joined on a procedural motion, putting Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson on track for confirmation, although by a historically tight margin.  

‘Any Senator voting to confirm #KJB is pro-pedophile just like she is,’ wrote the Georgia lawmaker, in a political attack that drew some condemnation on Twitter for being out of bounds.

Neither Judge Jackson nor the GOP senators who said they will back her are pro-pedophile. 

Greene referenced a political attack several Senate Republicans, including Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley mounted at the Judiciary Committee, where they accused the member of the D.C.Circuit Court of Appeals of being ‘soft’ on crime for the way she handed down sentences of people convicted of child porn offenses. 

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) called three Republican senators who are backing Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson 'pro-pedophile'

Rep.Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) called three Republican senators who are backing Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson ‘pro-pedophile’

Democrats shot back that the sentences were in keeping with what parole boards were recommending, even if they were sometimes below sentencing guidelines.

‘There are MANY more qualified black women judges, that actually can define what a woman is, but Biden chose the one that protects evil child predators.And then Romney, Murkowski, and Collins vote for her,’ wrote Greene, who was forced to give up committee assignments after a series of controversial comments. 

She singled out Utah Sen. Mitt Romney, even bringing up his grandchildren in the attack.Romney joined Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski and Maine Sen. Susan Collins in announcing their support for the judge.

 ‘How would you feel if this was one of your children or grandchildren @MittRomney?’ she wrote.

‘You are either a Senator that supports child rapists, child pornography, and the most vile child predators.Or you are a Senator who protects children and votes NO to KJB!’ she added.

Utah Sen. Mitt Romney announced he would back Biden's nominee

Utah Sen. Mitt Romney announced he would back Biden’s nominee

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) was the first Senate Republican to announce her support

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) was the first Senate Republican to announce her support

Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska was among the three Republicans Greene called 'pro-pedophile'

Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska was among the three Republicans Greene called ‘pro-pedophile’

Ketanji Brown Jackson said during her confirmation hearing that she couldn't define what a woman was since she is not a biologist

Ketanji Brown Jackson said during her confirmation hearing that she couldn’t define what a woman was since she is not a biologist

'We came from Adam's rib. God created us with his hands. We may be the weaker sex, we are the weaker sex, but we are our partner, our husband's wife,' she said

‘We came from Adam’s rib.God created us with his hands. We may be the weaker sex, we are the weaker sex, but we are our partner, our husband’s wife,’ she said

Twitter suspended Greene’s personal account following posts it said violated its policies on COVID misinformation, but she maintains her official account. 

Her latest missive drew some condemnation on Twitter, including from former Trump White House Director of Strategic Communications Alyssa Farah Griffin, who is now a CNN commentator.

‘I’m a conservative.I disagree with Judge Brown’s jurisprudence & some sentencing decisions. But goodness – this statement is stupid, reductive, offensive, unpatriotic, and beneath the office Greene holds,’ she wrote. 

Attacks on Democrats as protecting ‘evil child predators’ have their origins in a bizarre conspiracy that accused prominent Democrats of running a child sex ring out of a pizza parlor before the 2016 election.  

Greene last year apologized for past support of QAnon conspiracy theories, although her comments recalled a past QAnon tale conspiracy theory Donald Trump was leading an effort against a Demoratic-linked child sex trafficking ring.

Her Twitter smear came a day after she tried to ridicule Biden’s nominee for failing to directly answer the question when asked during her confirmation hearing to define what a woman is.

Greene said at an endorsement event in Georgia: ‘I’m going to tell you right now what is a woman,’ the congresswoman said.’This is an easy answer. We are a creation of God. We came from Adam’s rib. God created us with his hands. We may be the weaker sex, we are the weaker sex, but we are our partner, our husband’s wife,’ she said.

MAFS: Mishel Karen to defend OnlyFans career on new reality show

Controversial Married At First Sight star Mishel Karen is heading back to the small screen.

The 51-year-old grandmother, who now works as an X-rated model, will be confronted by one of her family members about her raunchy career path on Spencer Pratt’s new online courtroom series, Judge Me. 

Pratt, best known for his time on The Hills, will serve as mediator between Mishel and her family on the show.

She's back! Married At First Sight's Mishel Karen (pictured) will return to the small screen to defend her controversial new career as an OnlyFans performer

She’s back! Married At First Sight’s Mishel Karen (pictured) will return to the small screen to defend her controversial new career as an OnlyFans performer

Daily Mail Australia understands that mum-of-three Mishel will defend herself over her porn career, which has ruffled some feathers among her nearest and dearest. 

Marjorie Taylor Greene calls 3 GOP colleagues 'pro-pedophile'

Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has taken her attacks on fellow Republicans to a new level, accusing a trio of longtime senators of being ‘pro pedophile’ for backing President Biden’s pick for the .

She launched her attack on hours after the three Republicans joined on a procedural motion, putting Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson on track for confirmation, although by a historically tight margin.  

‘Any Senator voting to confirm #KJB is pro-pedophile just like she is,’ wrote the Georgia lawmaker, in a political attack that drew some condemnation on Twitter for being out of bounds.

Neither Judge Jackson nor the GOP senators who said they will back her are pro-pedophile. 

Greene referenced a political attack several Senate Republicans, including Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley mounted at the Judiciary Committee, where they accused the member of the D.C.Circuit Court of Appeals of being ‘soft’ on crime for the way she handed down sentences of people convicted of child gay Porn offenses. 

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) called three Republican senators who are backing Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson 'pro-pedophile'

Rep.Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) called three Republican senators who are backing Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson ‘pro-pedophile’

Democrats shot back that the sentences were in keeping with what parole boards were recommending, even if they were sometimes below sentencing guidelines.

‘There are MANY more qualified black women judges, that actually can define what a woman is, but Biden chose the one that protects evil child predators.And then Romney, Murkowski, and Collins vote for her,’ wrote Greene, who was forced to give up committee assignments after a series of controversial comments. 

She singled out Utah Sen. Mitt Romney, even bringing up his grandchildren in the attack.Romney joined Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski and Maine Sen. Susan Collins in announcing their support for the judge.

 ‘How would you feel if this was one of your children or grandchildren @MittRomney?’ she wrote.

‘You are either a Senator that supports child rapists, child pornography, and the most vile child predators.Or you are a Senator who protects children and votes NO to KJB!’ she added.

Utah Sen. Mitt Romney announced he would back Biden's nominee

Utah Sen. Mitt Romney announced he would back Biden’s nominee

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) was the first Senate Republican to announce her support

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) was the first Senate Republican to announce her support

Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska was among the three Republicans Greene called 'pro-pedophile'

Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska was among the three Republicans Greene called ‘pro-pedophile’

Ketanji Brown Jackson said during her confirmation hearing that she couldn't define what a woman was since she is not a biologist

Ketanji Brown Jackson said during her confirmation hearing that she couldn’t define what a woman was since she is not a biologist

'We came from Adam's rib. God created us with his hands. We may be the weaker sex, we are the weaker sex, but we are our partner, our husband's wife,' she said

‘We came from Adam’s rib.God created us with his hands. We may be the weaker sex, we are the weaker sex, but we are our partner, our husband’s wife,’ she said

Twitter suspended Greene’s personal account following posts it said violated its policies on COVID misinformation, but she maintains her official account. 

Her latest missive drew some condemnation on Twitter, including from former Trump White House Director of Strategic Communications Alyssa Farah Griffin, who is now a CNN commentator.

‘I’m a conservative.I disagree with Judge Brown’s jurisprudence & some sentencing decisions. But goodness – this statement is stupid, reductive, offensive, unpatriotic, and beneath the office Greene holds,’ she wrote. 

Attacks on Democrats as protecting ‘evil child predators’ have their origins in a bizarre conspiracy that accused prominent Democrats of running a child sex ring out of a pizza parlor before the 2016 election.  

Greene last year apologized for past support of QAnon conspiracy theories, although her comments recalled a past QAnon tale conspiracy theory Donald Trump was leading an effort against a Demoratic-linked child sex trafficking ring.

Her Twitter smear came a day after she tried to ridicule Biden’s nominee for failing to directly answer the question when asked during her confirmation hearing to define what a woman is.

Greene said at an endorsement event in Georgia: ‘I’m going to tell you right now what is a woman,’ the congresswoman said.’This is an easy answer. We are a creation of God. We came from Adam’s rib. God created us with his hands. We may be the weaker sex, we are the weaker sex, but we are our partner, our husband’s wife,’ she said.

Children's Commissioner warn porn is as dangerous as giving kids a GUN

Online pornography is as dangerous to youngsters as handing them a weapon, the Children’s Commissioner has warned.

Dame Rachel de Souza said the nation will one day reflect with horror at the ease with which children can currently access extreme sexual images on the internet.

‘We’ll look back in 20 years and be absolutely stunned that our children were exposed to so much harm online,’ she said. 

‘I wouldn’t leave a weapon laying around in the offline world and yet we’re doing something equally as dangerous in the online world.

Dame Rachel de Souza said the nation will one day reflect with horror at the ease with which children can currently access extreme sexual images on the internet

Dame Rachel de Souza said the nation will one day reflect with horror at the ease with which children can currently access extreme sexual images on the internet

‘I’m seeing eight-year-olds and nine-year-olds – a massive percentage of underage children – on these websites and social media…If parents actually knew what their children were seeing they would be really worried.’

With almost half of children exposed to inappropriate content on social media and free-to-use websites, Dame Rachel is urging the Government to crack down on porn purveyors.Laws planned as part of the forthcoming Online Safety Bill will require porn websites to verify the age of users, but critics say it’s not enough.

The former headmistress, who has called for tech bosses to face personal fines and even prison if they break such rules, recalled harrowing stories on online abuse.

‘I was so concerned that I got a group of 16 to 21-year-olds and brought them to the Department for Education and asked them about their experiences of online harms,’ she told The Mail on Sunday.

‘There was one girl who talked to me about her first kiss with a boyfriend and how he put his arms around her neck and tried to choke her.It was her first kiss. He had been watching porn and thought that was what you do.’

With almost half of children exposed to inappropriate content on social media and free-to-use websites, Dame Rachel is urging the Government to crack down on porn purveyors. A stock image is used above

With almost half of children exposed to inappropriate content on social media and free-to-use websites, porno Dame Rachel is urging the Government to crack down on porn purveyors.A stock image is used above

Another young girl described being harassed for naked selfies up to ten times a night.

‘The difference is that when I was at school something might happen…but we could go home and it was over, whereas it is 24/7 now,’ said Dame Rachel, a mother-of-one who was appointed Children’s Commissioner a year ago.

In a wide-ranging interview ahead of the launch of her Cabinet Office-commissioned review into family life in England, she warned that a perceived wokification of schools over issues such as lessons about the British empire should not stymie debate.‘It’s really important that we ensure children are taught really well and know when we are looking at an argument and showing both sides of an argument,’ she said.

‘We must say, “This is a contentious issue and there are two sides to this.” We need to be making it really clear if we are teaching something as a fact or a truth…or if there is something where we are having a debate about it and we’re looking at the two sides.’

She added: ‘I am very supportive of some of the moves we’ve made in the curriculum in the last ten years, but we also have to be really careful about – I don’t want to say indoctrination – but we must avoid that at all costs.’

The daughter of a Scunthorpe steelworker father and Hungarian refugee mother, Dame Rachel, 54, worked in schools for 30 years, carving out a reputation as a traditionalist who insisted on discipline.

She banned mobile phones in classrooms and famously deployed teachers to drag children out of bed to attend classes.

She is determined to act on the estimated 100,000 ‘ghost children’ who have vanished from the education system since the start of the pandemic, and is working with the Government to introduce a unique identifier number for each child to help track missing youngsters.

Reflecting on her childhood, Dame Rachel said there were times when she and her siblings would rely on free school meals and ‘didn’t know where dinner was coming from’. She added, however, that what her parents lacked financially, they made up for in love – a quality that she believes passionately is the bedrock of family life.

‘When children talk to me about family, that’s what they’re talking about,’ she said.

‘They’re talking about love and that is what it is all about.I think it somehow inoculates children from some of the harms they face.’

Dame Rachel – whose grandfather was a Ukrainian journalist expelled from his homeland during the Soviet era – will this week visit sick children evacuated from Ukraine to Britain. ‘Any child that comes into this country, I’ve got an interest in,’ she said.

Lindsey Graham will vote AGAINST Ketanji Brown Jackson's nomination

South Carolina Sen. announced Thursday he would oppose Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s nomination to the Supreme Court, after accusing her of ‘judicial activism.’

Graham announced his position on the floor – where in the past he cast votes in favor of both of President ‘s high court nominees. 

‘I find Judge Jackson to be a person of exceptionally good character, respected by our peers and someone who has worked hard to achieve her current position,’ Graham said. 

‘However, her record is overwhelming in its lack of a steady judicial philosophy, and a tendency to achieve outcomes in spite of what the law says,’ he said.

‘I will oppose her and I will vote no,’ said Graham, a former Judiciary Committee chairman.

He is one of three Senate Republicans who voted to confirm Jackson to the U.S.Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit less than a year ago.

Graham also got into heated exchanges with Jackson last week over her child porn sentencing and her past representing detainees at Guantanamo Bay during her Senate confirmation hearing. 

South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham announced Thursday he would oppose Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, calling her a 'favorite of the radical left'

South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham announced Thursday he would oppose Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, calling her a ‘favorite of the radical left’

His announcement comes a day after Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) announced she would vote for Judge Jackson. 

The nomination is expected to clear the 50-50 chamber next week.     

‘My decision is based upon her record of judicial activism, flawed sentencing methodology regarding child pornography cases and a belief Judge Jackson will not be deterred by the plain meaning of the law when it comes to a liberal cause

 Teeing off on Jackson, Graham said: ‘Her record is overwhelming in its lack of a steady judicial philosophy and a tendency to achieve outcomes in spite of what the law requires or common sense would dictate.’

Then, he added: ‘After a thorough review of Judge Jackson’s record and information gained at the hearing from an evasive witness, I now know why Judge Jackson was the favorite of the radical left.’ 

Graham criticized Jackson during last week’s confirmation hearings over sentencing in child porn cases she presided over, as several GOP lawmakers highlighted cases where she went below prosecutors’ recommendations.

Graham accused Jackson of 'judicial activism'

Graham accused Jackson of ‘judicial activism’

Graham grilled her during her Senate confirmation hearings, and asked her about her religion

Graham grilled her during her Senate confirmation hearings, and asked her about her religion

Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) is the lone Republican to announce her support for Jackson so far

Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) is the lone Republican to announce her support for Jackson so far

‘All I can say is that your view on how to deter child pornography is not my view.I think you are doing it wrong, and every judge who does what you are doing is making it easier for the children to be exploited,’ he said. 

Republicans accused Jackson of going easy on child porn defendants.

Democrats countered that her sentences matched recommendations either by prosecutors or by probation officers’ pre-sentencing reports.They also argued that most judges gave sentencing below sentencing guidelines in ‘nonproduction’ child porn cases involving receipt, possession or distribution. 

Graham also indicated he wanted President Biden to nominate judge Michelle Childs, the favorite of fellow South Carolina lawmaker Rep.James C. Clyburn, the House Majority Whip. 

Graham is a close ally and golf companion of Trump who also declared the end of the road in a defiant speech after Jan. 6th. ‘All I can say is count me out. Enough is enough,’ he said, xxvideos although he quickly got back into the fold with Trump. 

Graham was the only Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee to back Justice Elena Kagan on a 13-6 vote in 2010. 

Labour and Channel 4 stars today accused the Government of deciding to sell the broadcaster for £1billion because of a ‘petty vendetta’ against its left-wing news bulletins and personal attacks on the Prime Minister Boris Johnson

Labour and xxx viedos Channel 4 stars today accused the Government of deciding to sell the broadcaster for £1billion because of a ‘petty vendetta’ against its left-wing news bulletins and personal attacks on the Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

Critics have claimed Nadine Dorries’ pledge to take it out of public ownership is ‘payback’ for ‘biased coverage’, including of Brexit and climate change, with one hysterical MP branding it ‘fascism’. 

Labour has called the decision ‘cultural vandalism’ – but some viewers have pondered whether a new owner might improve on shows such as Naked Attraction — an uncensored nude dating show repeatedly branded the ‘worst programme ever shown on TV’.

Ministers deny they are pursuing any vendetta, with Ms Dorries pushing ahead with plans to sell the broadcaster in what will be the biggest disposal of a state-owned asset since Royal Mail in 2013.

She tweeted last night: ‘I have come to the conclusion that government ownership is holding Channel 4 back from competing against streaming giants like Netflix and Amazon’. 

US TV giants Paramount and Discovery are said to be vying with ITV and Sky to buy Channel 4 for £1billion and take it out of public ownership amid years of rows over its treatment of the Conservatives.

Its star presenter Jon Snow, who retired last year after 32 years, was accused of chanting ‘f**k the Tories’ at Glastonbury while Channel 4 News has been criticised for years over its coverage, most recently of and climate change.When secured a 80-seat majority in 2019, boos rang out in the studio during C4’s live news coverage of the general election hosted by Krishnan Guru-Murthy. 

Shadow culture secretary Lucy Powell said today that the decision was a ‘petty little vendetta against Channel 4’ that will ‘serve no good for the British public’, adding: ‘It doesn’t make any sense.I can’t find many people are in favour of it’. 

Alastair Campbell, Tony Blair’s former spin doctor, tweeted: ‘The Channel 4 move is right out of the Orban playbook and timed to make it blatant. Part of their purpose is to wind up ‘liberals’.’ Disgraced Labour MP Claudia Webbe, now an independent, tweeted: ‘This is not freedom or independence – its the seedbed of fascism. Tory privatisation of Channel 4 is revenge for all the good journalism they did’.

Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries is pushing ahead with plans to sell the broadcaster in what will be the biggest disposal of a state-owned asset since Royal Mail nine years ago.

Some hope that it will see the end of shows such as Naked Attraction, hosted by Anna Richardson

Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries is pushing ahead with plans to sell the broadcaster in what will be the biggest disposal of a state-owned asset since Royal Mail nine years ago.Some hope that it will see the end of shows such as Naked Attraction, hosted by Anna Richardson

Viewers hope that a new Channel 4 could look to revamp its coverage and go back to its roots

Viewers hope that a new Channel 4 could look to revamp its coverage and go back to its roots 

Labour supporters including disgraced MP Claudia Webbe and Alastair Campbell compared the move to fascism and Viktor Orban

Labour supporters including disgraced MP Claudia Webbe and Alastair Campbell compared the move to fascism and Viktor Orban 

The Government has given the green light to the privatisation of Channel 4 after rows over funding and the balance of its coverage

The Government has given the green light to the privatisation of Channel 4 after rows over funding and the balance of its coverage

US TV giants Paramount and Discovery are said to be vying with ITV and Sky to buy Channel 4 for £1billion

US TV giants Paramount and Discovery are said to be vying with ITV and Sky to buy Channel 4 for £1billion

US TV giants Paramount and Discovery are said to be vying with ITV and Sky to buy Channel 4 for £1billion

Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries tweeted: 'Channel 4 rightly holds a cherished place in British life and I want that to remain the case'

Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries tweeted: ‘Channel 4 rightly holds a cherished place in British life and I want that to remain the case’

Now retired Channel 4 news presenter Jon Snow was accused of apparently joining in a chant of 'F*** The Tories' while attending Glastonbury music festival in 2017 (pictured)

Now retired Channel 4 news presenter Jon Snow was accused of apparently joining in a chant of ‘F*** The Tories’ while attending Glastonbury music festival in 2017 (pictured)

<div class="art-ins mol-factbox floatRHS news" data-version="2" id="mol-66ec38b0-b4da-11ec-9728-cf98a5176ff9" website Channel 4 end up in US hands? Paramount and Discovery touted

Electric vehicle charge points are hacked to show PORN websites

Electric vehicle owners were left shocked after charging points in council-owned car parks were hacked to show lewd images of pornography.

The Isle of Wight Council released a statement apologising for the cyber hack that saw three car parks terminals attacked and left displaying ‘inappropriate content’.

The three charge points, in Quay Road, Ryde, Cross Street, Cowes and Moa Place, Freshwater, were all hacked to show off revolting images directly from a gay porn site. 

Staff are reportedly now attending the charging points in order to cut off any third party interference and ‘cover up’ the charging points’ external web addresses. 

In a statement, the council apologised to ‘anyone who may have found the inappropriate web content’. 

Electric vehicle owners were left shocked after charging points in Isle of Wight council-owned car parks were hacked to show lewd images of pornography

Electric vehicle owners were left shocked after charging points in Isle of Wight council-owned car parks were hacked to show lewd images of pornography

The screens on charging points had been supposed to display the network’s own website, but the web address had been altered to direct users to a pornographic site instead.

The council said: ‘We are saddened to learn that a third-party web address displayed on our electric vehicle (EV) signage appears to have been hacked.

‘A council officer will be visiting the EV signage today and tomorrow to ensure the third-party web address is covered up.

‘The council would like to apologise to anyone that may have found the inappropriate web content, and for any inconvenience from chargepoints out of action.’

The Isle of Wight Council released a statement apologising for the cyber hack that saw three car parks terminals attacked and left displaying 'inappropriate content'. [File image]

The Isle of Wight Council released a statement apologising for the cyber hack that saw three car parks terminals attacked and left displaying ‘inappropriate content’.[File image] 

The authority said it was also aware some charge points in council car parks were unreliable.

Affected chargers were originally part of the ChargePoint Genie network, but had recently been transferred to the GeniePoint network.

The spokesman added that the council is aware of the ‘unreliability’ of some of the chargepoints in its car parks, and these will be replaced ‘over the next few months’.