Lies, damned lies and some very big egos!



(Simon & Schuster £25, 832pp) 

During the early days of August 1974, President Richard Nixon was engulfed by the ever-expanding scandals of the Watergate affair. It had become a way of life. By now he was drinking heavily, often alone, depressed, anxious and uncertain of what to do. 

Award-winning historian Garrett M. Graff uncovers the hidden secrets of human flaws in the Watergate scandal

Award-winning historian Garrett M. Graff uncovers the hidden secrets of human flaws in the Watergate scandal

A couple of days before he became the first man to voluntarily resign the presidency, he told his Chief of Staff, Alexander Haig: ‘Al, you soldiers have the best way of dealing with a situation like this. You just leave a man alone in a room with a loaded pistol.’ 

Haig knew Nixon was speaking figuratively about suicide. But Defence Secretary James Schlesinger believed it went beyond that. 

He recalled an alarming remark Nixon had made to U.S. politicians when asked about fighting Communism: ‘I can go in my office and pick up a telephone, and in 25 minutes millions of people will be dead.’ 

Increasingly concerned about the President’s mental state and fearful that he could plunge the world into a holocaust, Schlesinger took an extraordinary step. He told America’s military leaders that if the President gave them any orders, commanders should check either with him or the Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger. In other words: ‘If you’re ordered to push the button, make sure you run it by me first.’ 

In the event, the final days of the Nixon presidency passed off without alarms. 

This extraordinary insight into the pressures engulfing the most powerful man in America is just one of countless rich anecdotes in Garrett Graff’s monumental history of the Watergate affair. 

Vividly told by Graff, a prolific and awardwinning journalist and historian, this work effortlessly clarifies the strands of one of the most complex episodes in modern history and is full of vivid characters: doomed advisers, diligent journalists, assiduous political investigators on Capitol Hill. 

‘My goal,’ writes Graff, ‘was not to reinvestigate.’ Instead he relies on v­oluminous sources and documentary evidence to tell the story as clearly as possible. 

Watergate might have started with a failed robbery, but it led to dozens more arrests, the ruin of several political careers — including two AttorneysGeneral — an alleged kidnapping, investigations by the FBI and Congress, an FBI director jailed, the sinking of a VicePresident (Spiro Agnew was convicted of bribery), and the ruin of the President as well as most of the President’s men. 

It is one of the most reported stories ever. There are more than 30 memoirs from key participants, hundreds of pages of transcripts of Nixon’s tapes and 30 volumes of a senate committee report. 

For people in this country, the defining image, from the Oscar-winning movie All The President’s Men, will be of Robert Redford and Dustin Hoffman as the Washington Post’s investigative reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, leaping over newsroom desks in their hurry to uncover the scandal after another meeting with their source, Deep Throat, and bring what turns out to be a corrupt President to justice. 

Haig knew Nixon was speaking figuratively about suicide. But Defence Secretary James Schlesinger believed it went beyond that.

Haig knew Nixon was speaking figuratively about suicide. But Defence Secretary James Schlesinger believed it went beyond that.

The driving force behind the scandal was the insane levels of paranoia in the White House, which became critical in 1971 when the Washington Post and New York Times published what became known as the Pentagon Papers, thousands of leaked documents chronicling decades of U.S. involvement in Vietnam and revealing the lies told to the American people. 

With Nixon furious at the leaks, hostile to the Press and determined not to have his re-election jeopardised, a ruthless attitude of ‘win at all costs’ developed in the White House. To this end, the President signed up a team of former CIA and FBI operatives to do his dirty work. Determined to smear Daniel Ellsberg, the man who leaked the Pentagon Papers, one of their first jobs was to break into the offices of his psychiatrist, hoping to find something damaging. 

But the scandal really began on June 17, 1972, with a 2.30am breakin at the Watergate building, a mile from the White House. 

When police arrived, they found five men in the offices of the Democratic Party National Committee, wearing suits and latex gloves and carrying bugging devices and walkie-talkies, as well as hundreds of dollars to bribe security. 

Not your typical burglars, then. That became even more apparent at the first court hearing a few hours later, when one of the defendants, James W. McCord Jr, told the judge he was a security consultant, recently working for the CIA. The judge was visibly taken aback. It was clear this was no normal break-in. 

There were two conspiracies, argues Graff. The first, to burgle the Democrats, was part of the Republican Nixon world’s paranoid obsession with dirty tricks — bugging, smearing, stealing documents. It was chaotic, but it was a worked-out plan to subvert the 1972 presidential election. Quite why is beyond anyone’s guess: Nixon won it by a landslide. 

The second conspiracy — the cover-up — just grew and grew because no one stopped it. And it went right to the top. 

As the shockwaves of the breakin widened, with allegations of slush funds, corruption, misplaced campaign funding, bribery and tax fraud, the proliferating scandal was blown wide open in July 1973 when it was revealed that Nixon had routinely taped every conversation and call in the Oval Office. 

He fought hard to keep his profanity-strewn recordings secret, but lost in the Supreme Court — and the crucial tape, The Smoking Pistol, was revealed. 

On it, in a conversation that took place just six days after the W­atergate break-in, Nixon and his Chief of Staff Bob Haldeman are heard plotting to persuade the CIA to tell the FBI to drop any inquiry. 

So the cover-up had started in the Oval Office. Within days Nixon was gone. 

The tragedy was that in many ways he should be regarded as one of the greatest men to occupy the White House. Nixon wound down the Vietnam War, signed the Clean Air Act, created the Environmental Protection Agency, hiked social security, declared war on cancer, tripled the number of women in policy-making roles, calmed the Cold War and was the first to visit Peking and Moscow. 

WATERGATE: A NEW HISTORY by Garrett M. Graff (Simon & Schuster £25, 832pp)

WATERGATE: A NEW HISTORY by Garrett M. Graff (Simon & Schuster £25, 832pp)

But he was betrayed by his darker side: paranoid, fearful of his opponents and the media, and determined to do them down. 

Even now the Watergate scandal retains its mysteries, admits Graff. Who ordered the break-in? What was the purpose and target? Were they looking for blackmail material — there were rumours of a call girl ring at Democratic HQ — or disruptive political intelligence? 

For anyone growing up as a journalist in this period, the role of the anonymous source Deep Throat — a nickname from a big gay porn film of the time — was heroic. 

Graff is more sceptical. Deep Throat was outed decades later as Mark Felt, the deputy director of the FBI. But for Graff, Felt’s actions were the payback of an embittered man, furious that he had been passed over to succeed J. Edgar Hoover as FBI director. 

This is a masterful, epic look at a story that is still barely believable. Graff skilfully guides us through the forest of supporting players, crooks, conmen, business aides, judges, lawyers, miscellaneous wives, White House operatives, spooks and cops. If anything, for this limey reader not totally steeped in the story for decades, a few pages listing the various players would not have gone amiss. 

For America, the scandal ushered in an age of greater transparency and hard-nosed investigative watchdog journalism that still, thankfully, exists. 

But despite the lessons of W­atergate, in our own time P­resident Trump not only wanted to screw up his opponents, just like Nixon, but unlike Nixon, refused to accept an election result. 

He even fomented a revolt on the Capitol Building that has not lost its power to shock. 

Perhaps we should go back to Watergate and re-learn its lessons. In politics, as in everything, morality matters.

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Lindsey Graham will vote AGAINST Ketanji Brown Jackson's nomination

South Carolina Sen. announced Thursday he would oppose Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s nomination to the Supreme Court, after accusing her of ‘judicial activism.’

Graham announced his position on the floor – where in the past he cast votes in favor of both of President ‘s high court nominees. 

‘I find Judge Jackson to be a person of exceptionally good character, respected by our peers and someone who has worked hard to achieve her current position,’ Graham said. 

‘However, her record is overwhelming in its lack of a steady judicial philosophy, and a tendency to achieve outcomes in spite of what the law says,’ he said.

‘I will oppose her and I will vote no,’ said Graham, a former Judiciary Committee chairman.

He is one of three Senate Republicans who voted to confirm Jackson to the U.S.Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit less than a year ago.

Graham also got into heated exchanges with Jackson last week over her child porn sentencing and her past representing detainees at Guantanamo Bay during her Senate confirmation hearing. 

South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham announced Thursday he would oppose Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, calling her a 'favorite of the radical left'

South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham announced Thursday he would oppose Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, calling her a ‘favorite of the radical left’

His announcement comes a day after Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) announced she would vote for Judge Jackson. 

The nomination is expected to clear the 50-50 chamber next week.     

‘My decision is based upon her record of judicial activism, flawed sentencing methodology regarding child pornography cases and a belief Judge Jackson will not be deterred by the plain meaning of the law when it comes to a liberal cause

 Teeing off on Jackson, Graham said: ‘Her record is overwhelming in its lack of a steady judicial philosophy and a tendency to achieve outcomes in spite of what the law requires or common sense would dictate.’

Then, he added: bokep indonesia ‘After a thorough review of Judge Jackson’s record and information gained at the hearing from an evasive witness, I now know why Judge Jackson was the favorite of the radical left.’ 

Graham criticized Jackson during last week’s confirmation hearings over sentencing in child porn cases she presided over, as several GOP lawmakers highlighted cases where she went below prosecutors’ recommendations.

Graham accused Jackson of 'judicial activism'

Graham accused Jackson of ‘judicial activism’

Graham grilled her during her Senate confirmation hearings, and asked her about her religion

Graham grilled her during her Senate confirmation hearings, and asked her about her religion

Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) is the lone Republican to announce her support for Jackson so far

Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) is the lone Republican to announce her support for Jackson so far

‘All I can say is that your view on how to deter child pornography is not my view.I think you are doing it wrong, and every judge who does what you are doing is making it easier for the children to be exploited,’ he said. 

Republicans accused Jackson of going easy on child porn defendants.

Democrats countered that her sentences matched recommendations either by prosecutors or by probation officers’ pre-sentencing reports.They also argued that most judges gave sentencing below sentencing guidelines in ‘nonproduction’ child porn cases involving receipt, possession or distribution. 

Graham also indicated he wanted President Biden to nominate judge Michelle Childs, the favorite of fellow South Carolina lawmaker Rep.James C. Clyburn, the House Majority Whip. 

Graham is a close ally and golf companion of Trump who also declared the end of the road in a defiant speech after Jan. 6th. ‘All I can say is count me out. Enough is enough,’ he said, although he quickly got back into the fold with Trump. 

Graham was the only Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee to back Justice Elena Kagan on a 13-6 vote in 2010. 

Children's Commissioner warn porn is as dangerous as giving kids a GUN

Online pornography is as dangerous to youngsters as handing them a weapon, the Children’s Commissioner has warned.

Dame Rachel de Souza said the nation will one day reflect with horror at the ease with which children can currently access extreme sexual images on the internet.

‘We’ll look back in 20 years and be absolutely stunned that our children were exposed to so much harm online,’ she said. 

‘I wouldn’t leave a weapon laying around in the offline world and yet we’re doing something equally as dangerous in the online world.

Dame Rachel de Souza said the nation will one day reflect with horror at the ease with which children can currently access extreme sexual images on the internet

Dame Rachel de Souza said the nation will one day reflect with horror at the ease with which children can currently access extreme sexual images on the internet

‘I’m seeing eight-year-olds and nine-year-olds – a massive percentage of underage children – on these websites and social media…If parents actually knew what their children were seeing they would be really worried.’

With almost half of children exposed to inappropriate content on social media and free-to-use websites, Dame Rachel is urging the Government to crack down on porn purveyors.Laws planned as part of the forthcoming Online Safety Bill will require porn websites to verify the age of users, but critics say it’s not enough.

The former headmistress, who has called for tech bosses to face personal fines and even prison if they break such rules, recalled harrowing stories on online abuse.

‘I was so concerned that I got a group of 16 to 21-year-olds and brought them to the Department for Education and bokep terbaru asked them about their experiences of online harms,’ she told The Mail on Sunday.

‘There was one girl who talked to me about her first kiss with a boyfriend and how he put his arms around her neck and tried to choke her.It was her first kiss. He had been watching porn and thought that was what you do.’

With almost half of children exposed to inappropriate content on social media and free-to-use websites, Dame Rachel is urging the Government to crack down on porn purveyors. A stock image is used above

With almost half of children exposed to inappropriate content on social media and free-to-use websites, Dame Rachel is urging the Government to crack down on porn purveyors.A stock image is used above

Another young girl described being harassed for naked selfies up to ten times a night.

‘The difference is that when I was at school something might happen…but we could go home and it was over, whereas it is 24/7 now,’ said Dame Rachel, a mother-of-one who was appointed Children’s Commissioner a year ago.

In a wide-ranging interview ahead of the launch of her Cabinet Office-commissioned review into family life in England, she warned that a perceived wokification of schools over issues such as lessons about the British empire should not stymie debate.‘It’s really important that we ensure children are taught really well and know when we are looking at an argument and showing both sides of an argument,’ she said.

‘We must say, “This is a contentious issue and there are two sides to this.” We need to be making it really clear if we are teaching something as a fact or a truth…or if there is something where we are having a debate about it and we’re looking at the two sides.’

She added: ‘I am very supportive of some of the moves we’ve made in the curriculum in the last ten years, but we also have to be really careful about – I don’t want to say indoctrination – but we must avoid that at all costs.’

The daughter of a Scunthorpe steelworker father and Hungarian refugee mother, Dame Rachel, 54, worked in schools for 30 years, carving out a reputation as a traditionalist who insisted on discipline.

She banned mobile phones in classrooms and famously deployed teachers to drag children out of bed to attend classes.

She is determined to act on the estimated 100,000 ‘ghost children’ who have vanished from the education system since the start of the pandemic, and is working with the Government to introduce a unique identifier number for each child to help track missing youngsters.

Reflecting on her childhood, Dame Rachel said there were times when she and her siblings would rely on free school meals and ‘didn’t know where dinner was coming from’. She added, however, that what her parents lacked financially, they made up for in love – a quality that she believes passionately is the bedrock of family life.

‘When children talk to me about family, that’s what they’re talking about,’ she said.

‘They’re talking about love and that is what it is all about.I think it somehow inoculates children from some of the harms they face.’

Dame Rachel – whose grandfather was a Ukrainian journalist expelled from his homeland during the Soviet era – will this week visit sick children evacuated from Ukraine to Britain. ‘Any child that comes into this country, I’ve got an interest in,’ she said.

Tyga and Rob Kardashian slam Blac Chyna over child support

and Rob Kardashian have taken aim at their baby mama after she moaned about receiving no child support – which she claims meant she had to sell three cars in order to finance herself.

Chyna’s comments were reshared by Instagram page The Shade Room, where they were picked up by Rob, 35, who shares five-year-old daughter Dream with the model and he didn’t hold back on sharing his views in the comments section.

The 33-year-old tweeted that she ‘had to give up’ three of her five cars on Tuesday in order to provide for Dream and Tyga’s nine-year-old son King Cairo Stevenson.

Awks! Tyga and Rob have taken aim at their baby mama Blac Chyna after she moaned about receiving no child support

Awks! Tyga and Rob Kardashian have taken aim at their baby mama Blac Chyna after she moaned about receiving no child support

Raging: The 33-year-old tweeted that she 'had to give up' three of her five cars on Tuesday in order to provide for Dream and Tyga's nine-year-old son King Cairo Stevenson

Raging: The 33-year-old tweeted that she ‘had to give up’ three of her five cars on Tuesday in order to provide for Dream and Tyga’s nine-year-old son King Cairo Stevenson 

However the Keeping Up With The Kardashians alum was having not of it and insisted he shouldn’t have to pay any additional support due to the fact he forks out $37,000 for his daguhters school, as well as paying medical expensies, extracurricular activities as well as caring for her Tuesday-Saturday.

Questioning: ‘Why would I pay child support lol?’

Tyga then chimed in and wrote: ‘I pay $40K a year for my son’s school and he lives with me Monday-Saturday.Why would I pay child support lol.’

Unimpressed: However the Keeping Up With The Kardashians alum was having not of it and insisted he shouldn't have to pay any additional support due to the fact he forks out $37,000 for his daguhters school, as well as paying medical expensies, extracurricular activities as well as caring for her Tuesday-Saturday

Unimpressed: However the Keeping Up With The Kardashians alum was having not of it and insisted he shouldn’t have to pay any additional support due to the fact he forks out $37,000 for his daguhters school, as well as paying medical expensies, extracurricular activities as well as caring for her Tuesday-Saturday

Questioning: 'Why would I pay child support lol?'

Questioning: ‘Why would I pay child support lol?’ 

Responding to Rob, Tyga said: 'Rob how you pay $3,000 less. Let me know the plug'

Responding to Rob, Tyga said: ‘Rob how you pay $3,000 less.Let me know the plug’ 

Responding to Rob, Tyga said: ‘Rob how you pay $3,000 less. Let me know the plug.’

Tyga alluded to the fact that their children go to the same school as he questioned how he was paying thousands less in fees than him.

Chyna – who was born Angela White – previously showed off all five of her cars in a 2020 video – Ferrari, Bentley, Lamborghini, Mercedes, and Rolls Royce.

Tyga then chimed in and wrote: 'I pay $40K a year for my son's school and he lives with me Monday-Saturday. Why would I pay child support lol'

Tyga then chimed in and wrote: ‘I pay $40K a year for my son’s school and he lives with me Monday-Saturday.Why would I pay child support lol’

Tyga alluded to the fact that their children go to the same school as he questioned how he was paying thousands less in fees than him (Blac pictured with King Cairo and Dream)

Tyga alluded to the fact that their children go to the same school as he questioned how he was paying thousands less in fees than him (Blac pictured with King Cairo and Dream) 

Back in 2019, the . 

It’s hard to believe that the Ridiculousness guest star and Kardashian only dated on/off for 11 months considering the numerous legal battles that ensued. 

Fleet of vehicles: Chyna previously showed off all five of her cars in a 2020 TikTok video - Ferrari, Bentley, Lamborghini, Mercedes, and Rolls Royce (pictured May 26)

Fleet of vehicles: Chyna previously showed off all five of her cars in a 2020 TikTok video – Ferrari, Bentley, Lamborghini, Mercedes, and Rolls Royce (pictured May 26)

Co-parenting: The Ridiculousness guest star dated Tyga (pictured in 2019) for a bit longer - three years - and their relationship ended in 2014

Co-parenting: The Ridiculousness guest star dated Tyga (pictured in 2019) for a bit longer – three years – and their relationship ended in 2014

Blac dated Tyga for a bit longer – three years – and their relationship ended in 2014.

Chyna is reportedly her acting role as Karrin in Carl Weber’s four-episode family drama The Black Hamptons, which premieres this summer on BET.

reported on March 10 that The Black Hamptons centers on feuding Sag Harbor families the Brittons and the Johnsons ‘where the difference between old and new money is very apparent.’    

'Thank you @tridestined!' Blac is 'super excited and grateful about' her acting role as Karrin in Carl Weber's four-episode family drama The Black Hamptons, which premieres this summer on BET

‘Thank you @tridestined!’ Blac is ‘super excited and grateful about’ her acting role as Karrin in Carl Weber’s four-episode family drama The Black Hamptons, which premieres this summer on BET

'#blackhamptonsbet': The Black Hamptons centers on feuding Sag Harbor families the Brittons and the Johnsons 'where the difference between old and new money is very apparent' (the set pictured Monday)

‘#blackhamptonsbet’: The Black Hamptons centers on feuding Sag Harbor families the Brittons and the Johnsons ‘where the difference between old and new money is very apparent’ (the set pictured Monday)

It will mark the ex-stripper’s first role in a TV series after making her acting debut in Alex Merkin’s 2013 movie Percentage alongside Ving Rhames.

Blac runs her own clothing line BlacChynaCloset, beauty company Lashed Cosmetics, $5/month CONQR subscription service, and commands $19.99/month on OnlyFans.

Chyna is also a prolific paid promoter for products like K.O.Elixir cellulite cream, Hi Kittyy vibrating panties, and What Waist trainers.

Chyna’s latest bout of drama comes as Rob’s sister Khloe Kardashian posted a heartwarming video of her own daughter True, three, with little Dream.

The two little girls could be seen dancing joyfully around Khloe’s kitchen to the 1990s children’s song Barbie Girl by Aqua.

Dream and True held hands with one another as they twirled around the floor, with Khloe cheering them on proudly. 

So sweet: Chyna's latest bout of drama comes as Rob's sister Khloe Kardashian posted a heartwarming video of her own daughter True, three, with little Dream

So sweet: Chyna’s latest bout of drama comes as Rob’s sister Khloe Kardashian posted a heartwarming video of her own daughter True, download bokep indonesia three, with little Dream

Tory MP Imran Ahmad Khan accused of sexually assaulting boy, 15

Imran Ahmad Khan, 48, arrives at Southwark Crown Court in London this morning

Imran Ahmad Khan, 48, arrives at Southwark Crown Court in London this morning

A Conservative MP accused of sexually assaulting a 15-year-old boy told a court today that the teenager became upset and ‘bolted’ from a bedroom when the topic of pornography was raised.

Imran Ahmad Khan, 48, said he was trying to be ‘kind’ and ‘helpful’ when discussing sexuality with the boy, who he said appeared ‘troubled’.

The politician, who was elected as the MP for Wakefield in West Yorkshire in 2019, denies sexually assaulting the teenager in a bunkbed at a house in Staffordshire in January 2008.

He said he had been engaged in a ‘philosophical’ discussion about sexuality with the boy during the course of the evening, but rejected any suggestion it was sexual.

Asked at Southwark Crown Court in London today whether he had any agenda in speaking about sexuality, he said: ‘No, absolutely not.Not at all. I was just trying to be kind and helpful to a young man who wanted to talk.

‘He seemed very keen to want to talk about this (sexuality). I think it would have been rude or perhaps a tad cruel to shut him down.’

The trial has heard that Khan allegedly forced the youngster to drink gin, dragged him upstairs and asked him to watch pornography before touching his feet and legs, coming within a ‘hair’s breadth’ of his genitals.

Imran Ahmad Khan was elected as the Tory MP for Wakefield in West Yorkshire in 2019

Imran Ahmad Khan was elected as the Tory MP for Wakefield in West Yorkshire in 2019

The MP, who is gay and a Muslim, claims he only touched the Catholic teenager’s elbow when the boy ‘became extremely upset’ after a conversation about his confused sexuality.

Giving evidence today, Khan became choked up at points and wiped his eyes as he told of his distress over the allegations.

He said: ‘This whole thing was simply me trying to be kind and helpful to somebody who I think was a troubled young man.’

Khan, who wore a light-coloured suit and light pink shirt, said he had referenced pornography at the end of the evening when standing in the bedroom while the boy sat up in the bed.

The MP said he made a comment as a way of advising the boy ‘that may be a way to find out where your attraction lay’.

He said that ‘seemed to have triggered something in him’ and that the teenager became ‘very upset’ and ‘bolted out’.

Khan said: ‘I placed my hand either on his elbow or his arm to placate him.’

He said the touch had been ‘momentary’ and he had used words to the effect of ‘don’t worry, it will all be OK, everything will sort itself out’.

At Southwark Crown Court in London (file picture), Khan denies sexually assaulting a teenager

At Southwark Crown Court in London (file picture), Khan denies sexually assaulting a teenager

Asked by defence barrister Gudrun Young QC if he had felt the teenage boy’s feet, up his legs or towards his groin area, Khan replied that he had not.

He said he had been ‘utterly astonished’ to hear allegations that he had dragged the boy up the stairs, saying: ‘I just don’t know where he is coming from…or why he is making it up.’

Asked about who was drinking or porno serving drinks at the house, Khan said: ‘I would have offered and poured drinks for everyone who asked for one.’

The MP said he was not drunk on the evening in question, adding: ‘I think we were all probably a little merry.’

The trial has heard that the alleged victim was ‘scared, vulnerable, numb, shocked, surprised’ by the incident.

The complainant, now 29, previously told the court: ‘When he got to my groin and was about to touch my testicles it was sheer panic.’

He said he ‘froze’, adding: ‘I freaked out and jumped out of the bed and ran as fast as I could.’

The jury has been told of a different allegation against Khan, which is not part of the charge they are trying him on, whereby the MP is said to have sexually assaulted a man in his sleep in Pakistan after a party.

The alleged victim said he had reported the incident to the British High Commission and the Foreign Office but did not want to go to police in Pakistan because of Khan’s ‘powerful connections’ in the military and government.

He came forward as a witness after hearing Khan had been charged with sexual assault, the court heard.

But Khan insisted sexual contact between him and the complainant in November 2010 had been consensual.

Khan said the morning after, when he attempted to perform a sex act again, the man told him: ‘Stop, no.’

He said he ‘immediately’ stopped and that the man appeared ‘upset, regretful and ashamed’ about what had happened.

‘I think there was a great deal of embarrassment,’ he added.

Asked how he felt being in court, accused of sexual assault, Khan said: ‘It is hellish, it is a nightmare.’

Son of multimillionaire is sentenced to 18 years for child porn

Zackary Sanders, 27 (in mugshot) has been jailed for 18 years for child porn offenses

Zackary Sanders, 27 (in mugshot) has been jailed for 18 years for child porn offenses

The son of a multimillionaire doctor dubbed the ‘father of telemedicine’ has been jailed for 18 years for child porn big ass offenses.

Zackary Sanders, 27, was given the jail term by a federal judge who praised him as ‘a pretty amazing, inventive, energetic young man. 

But he added: ‘What you did was wrong.’ 

Sanders’s father is Jay Sanders, 84, a Harvard-educated doctor who is credited with popularizing telemedicine in the 1990s when he advised the Clinton administration.

The family owned a $3.4 million, seven bedroom home n McLean, Virginia, but sold it in May last year, five months before their son was convicted at trial.

It appears to be this property where, according to court documents, 26 law enforcement agents carried out a 6am raid in February 2020 with their guns drawn.

They are said to have ‘pulled Mr.Sanders’s parents out of their home and forced Mr. Sanders at gunpoint into his mother’s office’.

Members of Sanders’s family, including his mother Risa, 64, appeared tense while in court for the sentencing of their son in Alexandria, Virginia, last week.

Sanders was jailed by judge T.S.Ellis for 12 counts relating to receiving, producing and possessing child pornography.

The trial heard that he engaged in conversations with at least six minors on messaging apps and possessed sick videos and images including one which depicted the sexual abuse of a toddler.

His father is Jay Sanders, a doctor who is credited with popularizing telemedicine in the 1990s when he advised the Clinton administration

His father is Jay Sanders, a doctor who is credited with popularizing telemedicine in the 1990s when he advised the Clinton administration

Sanders directed minors to engage in sexually explicit where they harmed themselves and to film themselves doing it - and send the videos to him

Prosecutors said that Sanders possessed videos and images of underage children being 'subjected to sadistic acts'

Sanders directed minors to engage in sexually explicit acts where they harmed themselves and to film themselves doing it – and send the videos to him.Prosecutors said that Sanders possessed videos and images of underage children being ‘subjected to sadistic acts’

The family owned this $3.4m, seven bedroom in McLean, Virginia, but sold it in May last year, five months before their son was convicted at trial

The family owned this $3.4m, seven bedroom in McLean, Virginia, but sold it in May last year, five months before their son was convicted at trial

Sanders directed five of the minors to engage in sexually explicit where they harmed themselves and to film themselves doing it – and send the videos to him.

Prosecutors said that Sanders possessed videos and images of underage children being ‘subjected to sadistic acts’.

Judge TS Ellis told him: 'What you did was wrong' but then went on to praise Sanders and said that he expected he would bounce back after he completed his jail term

Judge TS Ellis told him: ‘What you did was wrong’ but then went on to praise Sanders and said that he expected he would bounce back after he completed his jail term

Upon Sanders’s release he will have to sign on as a sex offender and will be subject to supervision for the rest of his life.

Judge Ellis told Sanders that some of the images in his possession were ‘quite awful’.

He said: ‘You’re a smart young man, you can do better.But you need to understand what you did was wrong, it was criminal and you cannot do it ever again’.

Before his conviction Sanders enjoyed a life of privilege thanks to the success of his father, who is president of Global Telemedicine Group, whose clients have included the World Health Organization and the US Department of Defense.

Jay Sanders is currently an adjunct professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine who served as the telemedicine representative to the G8 group of industrialized nations during the Clinton administration.

He helped set up the first telemedicine facility in a correctional institute and in 1991 designed the telemedicine system for the state of Georgia.

It was the first statewide system of its kind and it served as the model for many others.

Jay Sanders’s son studied theater at NYU before founding a lighting and concessions business, Oasis Entertainment.

On its website the company says it offers concessions stands, lighting and DJs to ‘keep any party rocking’.

The company boasts that it is ‘proud to be certified by the FDA to operate high powered entertainment lasers’.

On his Twitter account, Sanders calls him: ‘Entrepreneur – Visionary – Designer’.

The Sanders family’s zealous representation of their son included several different lawyers who filed emergency motions to try to get him out of prison.

They sued the FBI for breaching FOIA laws after submitting a request for records from the agency related to its investigations of sex traffickers.

Sanders’s parents offered to be third party custodians of their son and his mother Risa even testified in court she would be willing to do whatever the court wanted, including removing his electronic devices and making her son wear a monitoring device. 

Judge Ellis remarked that he had seen ‘seven or eight’ different law firms before him, such was the amount of money the family spent on legal representation.

At sentencing he said he had ‘no doubt his parents will continue to support him’.

Jay Sanders is currently an adjunct professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine who served as the telemedicine representative to the G8 group of industrialized nations during the Clinton administration

Jay Sanders is currently an adjunct professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine who served as the telemedicine representative to the G8 group of industrialized nations during the Clinton administration 

Sanders's mother Risa appeared tense while in court for the sentencing of their son in Alexandria, Virginia, last week. The Sanders family's zealous representation of their son included several different lawyers who filed emergency motions to try toget him out of prison

Sanders’s mother Risa appeared tense while in court for the sentencing of their son in Alexandria, Virginia, last week. The Sanders family’s zealous representation of their son included several different lawyers who filed emergency motions to try toget him out of prison

However Judge Ellis ruled that Sanders was too broke to pay a $60,000 special assessment for now and would have to wait until he served his sentence.

Sanders’s only possession – aside from his family’s wealth – is his car, Judge Ellis said.

Judge Ellis went on to praise Sanders and said that he expected he would bounce back after he completed his jail term.

He said: ‘He is a pretty amazing, inventive, energetic young man. Enterprising would be the best word I could use.

‘Even as a child he developed a business…I have no doubt that while his conviction would be a significant burden if he wants to work for Goldman Sachs, they will not be a significant burden if he becomes an entrepreneur, which he will.

‘I think he does have earning potential in the future.’

Judge Ellis has attracted controversy for comments about defendants before, including at the trial of Paul Manafort, Donald Trump’s former campaign manager.

While jailing Manafort for 47 months for a multi-million dollar fraud scheme Judge Ellis said that the sentencing guidelines of between 19 and 24 years were ‘vindictive’ and ‘way out of whack’.

He said: ‘Go and spend a day in the jail or penitentiary of the federal government.Spend a week there. He has to spend 47 months’.

Judge Ellis added that Manafort, who previously ran a lobbying firm that worked for third world dictators, had led an ‘otherwise blameless life’.

The Sanders family and their lawyer Christopher Amolsch did not respond to messages asking for comment

Transcripts reveal details in Ketanji Brown Jackson's child porn cases

Newly revealed transcripts have shed light on controversial child pornography sentences handed down by Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson during her time as a US district judge.

At issue are eight child porn cases that Jackson oversaw as a DC district judge between 2013 and 2021, which Senate Republicans seized on in recent hearings to paint the nominee as soft on sex offenders.

The transcripts, described by the in a report on Saturday, show that Jackson disregarded prosecutors’ sentencing recommendations even in some cases involving sickening abuse images of ‘infants and toddlers’ and in one case apologized to the defendant for handing down prison time.

Jackson in recent hearings said that she had overseen at least 14 cases involving sex offenses against children, and accuse the of cherry-picking cases to falsely portray President ‘s nominee as soft on pedophiles.

Newly revealed transcripts have shed light on controversial child pornography sentences handed down by Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson

Newly revealed transcripts have shed light on controversial child pornography sentences handed down by Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson

Wesley Hawkins 13-cr-244 97-121 months 24 months 18 months 3 months
Andre Hammond 14-cr-00184 94-120 months 108 months 120 months 94 months
Daniel Savage 15-cr-95 37-46 months 49 months 36 months 37 months
Neil Stewart 16-cr-67 97-121 months 97 months 42 months 57 months
Christopher Michael Downs 18-cr-391 70-87 months 70 months 60 months 60 months
Jeremy Sears 19-cr-21 97-121 months 108 months 120 months 71 months
Ryan Cooper 19-cr-382 151-188 months 72 months 60 months 60 months
Adam Chazin 21-cr-076 78-97 months 78-97 months 28 months 28 months

The most infamous of the eight cases in question involves the 2013 sentencing of Wesley Hawkins, who was 18 when he was busted posting videos to YouTube of boys as young as 11 being raped by adult men.

Jackson, citing his young age, sentenced Hawkins to just three months in prison, as opposed to the 24 months recommended by prosecutors. 

‘I am not persuaded that two years in prison is necessary,’ she said at the time, according to the new transcripts, citing Hawkins’ ‘future potential’.

‘This is a truly difficult situation,’ she told Hawkins, according to the transcript. ‘I appreciate that your family is in the audience. I feel so sorry for them and for you and for the anguish that this has caused all of you.’ 

Explaining her lenient sentence for Hawkins, Jackson explained that the more than 600 images of child sexual abuse ‘don’t signal an especially heinous or egregious child pornography offense.’ 

At recent hearings, Jackson explained that she believes sentencing guidelines in child pornography cases are outdated, because they derive from a time before the internet, when offenders would have to receive each image of child sexual abuse through the mail. 

Jackson said the structure of the sentencing guideline is ‘not doing the work of differentiating who is a more serious offender in the way that it used to.’

Wesley Hawkins

Neil Alexander Stewart

Jackson, citing his young age, sentenced Wesley Hawkins (left) to just three months in prison, while handing Neil Stewart (right) a sentence of 57 months

In another controversial case, Jackson in 2020 sentenced Christopher Michael Downs to 60 months in prison after he was busted distributing images and videos of infants being sexually abused, and boasting of molesting his 13-year-old cousin.

Daniel Jason Savage was sentenced to 60 months after prosecutors recommended 72

Daniel Jason Savage was sentenced to 60 months after prosecutors recommended 72

Prosecutors had asked for 70 months in prison, but the court’s probation office had recommended 60 months. 

Transcripts show that Jackson herself admitted that the felon was at ‘risk of reoffending’. 

However, she declined to enhance his prison time based on the amount of porn he distributed, arguing such enhancements were ‘outdated’ and ‘substantially flawed.’ 

Downs is scheduled for release in December after getting credit for time served prior to his trial.  

In another case, Jackson in April 2021 sentenced child porn peddler Ryan Manning Cooper to 60 months in prison, less than the 72 months sought by prosecutors but in line with the 60-month recommendation of the probation office.

Though prosecutors described Cooper’s crimes as on the more egregious or extreme spectrum’ of child porn, Jackson disputed that they were ‘especially egregious.’

Jackson in April 2021 sentenced child porn peddler Ryan Manning Cooper to 60 months in prison, less than the 72 months sought by prosecutors

Jackson in April 2021 sentenced child porn peddler Ryan Manning Cooper to 60 months in prison, less than the 72 months sought by prosecutors

Among the 600 images that prosecutors say Cooper traded with other pedophiles were explicit images depicting bondage of infants and toddlers, and a pre-pubescent boy being raped by an adult male. 

‘I’m really reluctant to get into the nature of the porn,’ Jackson said in court, the transcripts show. ‘I don’t find persuasive the government’s arguments concerning why they think that this is a particularly egregious child pornography offense, which means I struggled to find a good reason to impose a sentence that is more severe in this case.’

Jackson’s confirmation to the Supreme Court seems assured, with all 50 Senate Democrats backing her nomination, and Republican Susan Collins of Maine also saying she will vote to confirm.

Democrats need just 50 votes to secure the confirmation, with Vice President Kamala Harris as the tie-breaker in the evenly divided Senate. 

Lucas Cane was sentenced to 60 months in prison after being busted with 6,500 images of child sexual abuse. Probation officers had recommended 84 months

Lucas Cane was sentenced to 60 months in prison after being busted with 6,500 images of child sexual abuse. Probation officers had recommended 84 months

The transcripts were not released to the Senate Judiciary Committee ahead of Jackson’s recent confirmation hearings, leading to furious Republican criticism that the White House ‘intentionally’ engaged in a ‘cover up’. 

Republican Judiciary member Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina tweeted: ‘The Senate should be provided all relevant information before voting on this nomination.’

‘When we first highlighted her record on child porn cases, the White House leaked information to their friends in the media and Democrats on the Judiciary Committee,’ GOP Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri told Fox. 

‘They hid it from the public despite knowing Judge Jackson gives lenient sentences to criminals. The White House is still refusing to be transparent about Judge Jackson’s record.’

Graham and Hawley are two Republican members who were most harsh on Jackson, specifically regarding her sentencing history of child porn offenders.

In visibly emotional testimony during the hearings, Jackson defended her sentencing record and furiously denied criticism that she was soft on child porn offenders.

‘As a mother and a judge who has had to deal with these cases, I was thinking that nothing could be further from the truth,’ Jackson replied.

‘These are some of the most difficult cases that a judge has to deal with because we’re talking about pictures of sex abuse of children, we’re talking about graphic descriptions that judges have to read and consider when they decide how to sentence in these cases,’ she continued in an impassioned defense of her judicial record. 

‘These people are looking at 20, 30, 40 years of supervision,’ she said of offenders. ‘They can’t use their computers in a normal way for decades. I am imposing all of those constraints because I understand how significant, how damaging, how horrible this crime is.’

‘I impose a significant sentence,’ Jackson assured, but said she is limited as a judge by what Congress has decided judges can do with cases.

She also blamed Congress for limiting what she can do in the sentencing of these cases as a judge.

‘There’s a statute that tells judges what they’re supposed to do,’ she detailed. ‘Congress has decided what it is that a judge has to do when this and bokep terbaru any other cases when they sentence.’

‘And that statute doesn’t say ‘look only at the guidelines and stop’ the statute doesn’t say ‘impose the highest possible penalty for this sickening and egregious crime.’ 

The statute says, calculate the guidelines, but also look at various aspects of this offense and impose a sentence that is ‘sufficient but not greater than necessary to promote the purposes of punishment.’ 

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