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Cialis is a brand-name prescription medication. Its FDA-approved to treat the later than in men:erectile dysfunction (ED), a condition in which you cant get or save an erectionsymptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a prostate condition that may cause problems as soon as urination.ED and symptoms of BPH together.Cialis comes as a tablet that you swallow. Its available in four strengths: 2.5 mg, 5 mg, megalis 10 mg side effects mg, 20 mg. Depending on your situation and what condition Cialis is treating, youll say yes the drug either back sexual argument or afterward a day.Cialis contains the active drug ingredient tadalafil and belongs to a help of medications called phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5) inhibitors. For ED, Cialis relaxes the blood vessels leading to the penis correspondingly that more blood can flow into it. For BPH symptoms, Cialis relaxes muscles in your bladder, allowing you to urinate more easily.

To treat erectile dysfunction (ED), your doctor may have you acknowledge Cialis by yourself as needed previously sexual activity. (See the Cialis dosage section above to learn more.) In this case, Cialis may keep effective for in the works to 36 hours in helping you have and maintain erections during that time.The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves prescription drugs such as Cialis to treat sure conditions. Cialis may with be used off-label for extra conditions. Off-label use is afterward a drug thats approved to treat one condition is used to treat a vary condition.BPH is a condition that occurs in men as they age. It happens when the prostate gland slowly increases in size but isnt cancerous. As the prostate gland gets bigger, it begins to push on your bladder. therefore eventually you may experience symptoms of BPH, including.

Cialis is FDA-approved to treat both ED and the symptoms of BPH together. These are two every other conditions and arent usually caused by the similar issues. For details on ED and BPH, look the Cialis for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and Cialis for erectile dysfunction (ED)Cialis is available as a generic drug called tadalafil. A generic drug is an exact copy of the alert drug in a brand-name medication. The generic is considered to be as safe and working as the original drug. Generics tend to cost less than brand-name drugs