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NASA and the moon together in the evening sky.
NASA/Bill Dunford
Jupiter may be the biggest planet around, but it’s rarely the easiest to spot from Earth thanks to being much farther away than more visible worlds like Venus. On Wednesday, however, the gas giant will be relatively easy to view as it passes near the waxing crescent moon not long after sunset.
to expect Jupiter to appear about 5 degrees to the upper right of the moon just as evening twilight is ending. The moon itself should be roughly 10 degrees or less above the west-southwestern horizon.
This dynamic duo is perfectly situated for viewing with either the naked eye or binoculars. It will be tough to fit both in the field of view of a telescope at the same time.
HDR moon and . Composite image.
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Jupiter will be the only visible planet in the evening sky for the entire month of February.
If you get clouded out Wednesday evening, Jupiter will remain bright enough to see in the sky for the rest of the week before it starts to fade. You can track its location with apps like Stellarium.
If you pro astrophotographers out there catch any stellar shots of the celestial meeting, please .