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London: Bill anti-killing American tiger is killing

At 9:30 pm on October 25, Beijing, the second London tournament kicked off at Wembler Great Stadium. The bilateral bifside is the old face of the London, Jacksonville American Tiger and lost the main quadrant Buffalo. The Jaguayi has got a 24-point leader, but in the fourth quarter, it was more than super, and Botels helped the Americas to hold the victory. The score of the whole game is the Jigu 34:31 Bill.

Habo said that the fact is not this: “After seeing the first video, I didn’t ask for the team to cut Res,” Habue statement, “I was really shocked by the videotape, and I told people to be truthful When I saw the second video tape, I immediately felt that we should cut off the Les. “

Rachels and Kleabreti for 4 years

The contract of Auckland raids took over Michael Crabtree will expire after the end of this season, but the team obviously does not intend to let him try the water free market. Local time on Wednesday, NFL official website reporters reported that the raids have been agreeing with Kleabreti in a four-year contract, a contract worth $ 35 million.

The 23-year-old Sunders took a total number of codes in the last season 1327 yards, of which the shock pushed 818 yards, set the new show record of the Hawks. This is still done in the case of his 20th run, he participated in 53% of the number of offensive files last season.

If En Empari is really able to stay in the team, he may be able to challenge the jet on Smith when you challenge the jet at the tenth week. Although the jet coach said that Smith is not guaranteed to be the first, it can be returned in the seventh week according to the recovery progress of the lack of 6-10 weeks. The two teams will meet again in the seventeenth week.

Clinton Dix said: “Now, I will be played in the last game. I don’t think I can stay here next year. This is my opinion, I need to be honest with myself. But the game is a game The field is playing down, even if it has been behind, it is necessary to complete the task on the field. I have to do my best. “

At the end of the war, Bill did not convert 2 files 8 yards and 3-speed 8 yards to reach, and only reverted the difference by playing. Bill 16:27 America. After the Jaguji attacked the trees, Bill ushered in a chance to narrow the division to a reachable. However, after the running Week McCoy rushed to 25 yards, it was hit by the ball before the Dance line! The fourth mistake in Bill this field. I know that the American Tiger has not received the first attack in this since the three-wheeled attack, but the Manno delivers a 58-yard pass to the ball and complete 2 points by McGao. The division is reduced to 3 points while the game remains. The momentum of Bill copied the passage of Bore Bortles in the fourth round of the Joan Tiger and returned to the array. Bill uses two days to make the score more than! Bill 31:27 America Tiger. At this time, the American Tiger is like a dream, Bottlel passes the 31 yard of the 31 yard under pressure, and the ball is Allen Hurns. At 2 minutes left in the game, the Jagua is leading. Moreover, the defensive group successfully served again at the last moment, blocking the 1 yard of Bill, holding the victory of the Jagua. The United States tiger in London at 34:31 Lower Bill.

“… this video allows the crow coach John – Habbao feel shocked, according to the source of the organizational internal source”, ESPN reports, “the super bowl champion coach urged his boss to cut Rus, especially the ball. The team has proved that Rice did the evidence of fist …. But Habao’s suggestion to cut this sixth veteran soon soon be used by the crow management (holder Steve Biqiotti) ), The team president Dick Cass and the team manager Ozzie newsome) vetoed. “

The eagle runs to Wei Mairse-Sanders to determine the misreading

US time Saturday, according to ESPN reporters, the eagle runs to Miles Sanders, did not follow the team to Washington, ready to play. This also means that Sanders is determined that the eagle will not be unveiled.

The third quarter of the competition, the American tiger took the lead in attack. Despite successfully promoted to Bill’s 1 yard, the Toby Gerhart has not been able to get a big chance, and the Jagua misses an excellent opportunity to expand score. The first round of attack on the third section of Bill has not finished, and the third quarter is over. But at this time they have been on the 8 yards of the American tiger.

cheap nfl jerseys confirms that they will investigate this fighting event on Wednesday, which may lead to the punishment of En Empari. Moreover, Smith may ask Empari to get legal punishment, but he has not yet made this decision.

The first game, both sides are somewhat slow, Buffalo, first, leading the lead. The Jenan Tiger has attacked the Bill’s red area before the end of this section. The first battle, Bill 3: 0 temporarily leads.

John Hubble: I have never requested it immediately.

The Baltimore Crow published a response from ESPN’s statement about Ray Rice. Adhering to “Open, Justice, Fans, Supporters, Tickets, and Public”, the crow refutes to the article to mention the coach John Harbaugh in Jojes February Immediately after arresting, he urged the trick.