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This is another of the original steroids from the ’70s and it retains its popularity today. It is generally cycled for 4 to 6 weeks with a dose of between 30 and 50mg per day. It is very toxic to the liver but in extreme cases it is prescribed to treat anemia and muscle wastage. Dianabol will boost your testosterone levels and improve the growth of your muscles; making it an effective way to bulk up. But, the side effects include water retention, man boobs, infertility, depression and heart problems. That’s alongside the hair loss, increase in acne, shrinking testicles and an inability to sleep! Take 300 to 400mg per week for between 8 and 12 weeks and you should see a dramatic increase in your appetite and stamina. This injectable steroid will help you to work out for longer and harder; increasing the rate at which you build muscle. It is often combined with testosterone to maximize these effects. However, this drug is made for treating animals. That’s why you’ll see it says ‘not for human consumption’. The usual list of side effects applies; acne, hair loss, high blood pressure, man boobs and reduced sexual abilities. In addition your muscles can tear from overuse and you may notice elevated levels of aggression. It is also a key ingredient in anti-aging products, buy anavar 10 mg oral steroids anavar, var. Protein is essential for muscle repair and the breaking down of fat to increase energy levels. This is exactly why bodybuilders don’t generally take it; it promotes lean muscle development not bulking. People generally take between 2 to 4 IUs a day to help reduce the effects of aging and as much as 10IUs to help with building lean muscle. It doesn’t need to be cycled. But, there are still some potential side effects. These include nerve and muscle pain, aching joints, tingling skin that can go numb, carpal tunnel syndrome and increased bad cholesterol levels. It has also been linked with an increased risk of diabetes and cancerous tumors. It is best to take 25 to 50mg of this a day and it also doesn’t need to be cycled. It is actually an active form of dihydrotestosterone (DHT); the compound that makes your muscles hard. It has also been linked with preventing the production of estrogen. Both of which are beneficial to men.
Common side effects with short-term use (4 weeks or less) of oral or injected forms of these medicines include increased appetite, insomnia, and mood changes such as irritability or agitation, buy anavar 10 mg oral steroids anavar, var.

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