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“These results are very promising for people with PD, who may appreciate, if at the end of 4 years there are improvement in the symptoms, a chance to be treated and hopefully prevent a serious side-effect,” Dr. “So the main aim of this study was to see if aerobic exercise can have beneficial effects in people with Parkinson’s disease and this is the first paper that shows that moderate-intensity exercise can significantly improve motor neuron disease symptoms in healthy young people. ” While there are no definitive benefits that come from aerobic exercise, aerobic exercise has been shown to have benefits for people with depression, sleep disorders and other health conditions that may benefit from exercise, and it also improves sleep quality, adrenolyn pre workout dmha. The current study was published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology on February 11 2013. Source: University of California San Francisco Study: The Effects of Moderate-Intensive Aerobic Exercise on Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease in Young Adults
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