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[28] With the latter, it may result in creatine being metabolized into a free form of creatine, which occurs as the creatine molecule is broken down in the intestinal lumen. [3] This occurs more rapidly with creatine monohydrate as the molecule is preferentially broken down from monohydrate, and is then cleared quicker by the liver, bpi anabolic mass gainer price in india. [28] This process seems to favor the formation of lactate in the intestine as the body is unable to absorb the lactate from the food (e. creatine monohydrate) prior to its elimination by the kidneys. [29] The process of muscle creatine synthesis (a precursor of muscle growth) appears to also be delayed in persons with the creatine monohydrate supplement when compared to the placebo group due to an increase of creatine uptake in skeletal muscle in the placebo group. Bulking sudden weight gain


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