Bulking 6 days a week, fly

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Bulking 6 days a week


Bulking 6 days a week


Bulking 6 days a week


Bulking 6 days a week


Bulking 6 days a week





























Bulking 6 days a week

Going from training 3 days a week to training 6 days a week allowed him to train every muscle group twice a week.

The big difference is that with the 6 days a week schedule the muscle groups were trained twice a week rather than three times a week, days 6 week bulking a. As a result, his gains were even greater than the results of the 3 days a week schedule in terms of his muscle mass gains (which were 3% of the 3 days a week schedule).

The 6 days a week schedule caused him to build 2 lb (~60 grams) of muscle on one week, and then lost that back on the next week, Fly. So his muscle gains were greater than the results of the 3 days a week program, in every single muscle group with the exception of his abs (which are considered the most weak muscle groups on the body with regards to gaining and losing muscle).

In addition to the 6 days a week program, you should aim to train every muscle group 2 times a week, Overhead press. I like doing 3 days a week, 4 days a week, and 3 days a week, bulking 6 weeks. This allows your body to work and burn more calories for a long period of time by using more muscle protein, more carbs, and more fat for fuel.

If you want to continue building muscle, I highly suggest using the following schedule for 2 weeks:

Week 1

Workout 1

Workout 2

Workout 3

Workout 4

Week 2

Workout 1

Workout 2

Workout 3

Workout 4

Week 3

Workout 1

Workout 2

Workout 3

Workout 4

Week 4

Workout 1

Workout 2

Workout 3

Workout 4

Keep in mind that this is only for a period of 2 weeks (unless you’re competing in a contest or are already an accomplished bodybuilder). During this time, it is your body’s natural bodybuilding cycle to reset itself from the dead lifts and bench press, by starting in the deadlifts and increasing your reps using higher rep ranges (30%-70% for 8-12 reps, or as low as 15% for 8-12 reps), Fly2.

Training the deadlift is great for building muscle mass, as well as for building your upper body strength, core strength, and endurance, but it’s pretty easy to kill your body and get shredded quickly while doing so. You’d better make sure that you are using maximal strength every single rep if you want to get that killer fat loss.

Bulking 6 days a week


After all, a man with low T-levels is about as likely to grow a significant amount of lean muscle as a horse is to fly a plane. At least in my estimation, my two-thirds bodyweight bodybuilding contest with Mike is similar to that of a horse or a man, though I’ll have to agree with my bodybuilding friends who call me “Mr. Muscle” after this, bulking 6 months. (I’ll try to keep my name separate for my own sanity.)

With all that said, let’s look at the data from my bench press, deadlift, and clean & jerk days from our own bench pressing data sheet (click the link to scroll through all five sessions):

Total Reps – 25 + 20 + 15 + 10 + 5

Press Reps – 12 + 8 + 6 + 4 + 2

Shrugs Reps – 10 + 8 + 6 + 4 + 2

Clean & Jerk Reps – 30

Here it is in all its glory…

And finally, here are the numbers from the bench press day, which was conducted on a Friday at around 3:15 pm…

Total Reps – 125 + 120 + 120 + 50

Press Reps – 25 x 8 + 10 + 8 + 8

Shrugs Reps – 15 x 10 + 8 x 8 + 10 x 8

Clean & Jerk Reps – 30

If you are curious as to how my bodybuilders are doing, or anything regarding their strength level, you can also access data directly from my raw bench press data sheet:

Total Reps – 185 + 165 + 170 + 200

Press Reps – 125

Shrugs Reps – 55

Clean & Jerk Reps – 140

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Bulking 6 days a week

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