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Neoplasms of the Reproductive System. There have been reports of ovarian and other reproductive system neoplasms, both benign and malignant in women who have undergone multiple drug regimens for infertility treatment. It is not yet established whether or not treatment with gonadotrophins increases the baseline risk of these tumours in infertile women. The prevalence of congenital malformations after ART may be slightly higher than after spontaneous conceptions. This is thought to be due to differences in parental characteristics (e. In females with generally recognised risk factors for thromboembolic events, such as personal or family history or significant obesity treatment with gonadotrophins may further increase the risk. In these women, the benefits of gonadotrophin administration should be weighed against the risks. It should be noted however, that pregnancy itself also carries an increased risk of thromboembolic events. Elevated endogenous FSH levels are indicative of primary testicular failure. Such patients are unresponsive to Merional/hCG therapy. Semen analysis is recommended 4-6 months after the beginning of treatment in assessing the response. Interactions with other medicinal products and other forms of interaction. Concomitant use of Merional with other agents used to stimulate ovulation (e. No other clinically significant drug interactions have been reported. Merional should not be administered as mixture with other medicinal products in the same injection. Merional 150 IU should not be administered during pregnancy. No teratogenic risk has been reported following controlled ovarian hyperstimulation, in clinical use with gonadotrophins. In case of exposure during pregnancy clinical data are insufficient to exclude a teratogenic effect. Merional should not be used during breast-feeding, steroids buy nz. During lactation the secretion of prolactin can entail a poor response to ovarian stimulation. Merional is used in the treatment of some forms of infertility (see section 4. Effects on ability to drive and use machines. Merional has no or negligible influence of the ability to drive and use of machinery. However no studies on the effect on ability to drive and use machines have been performed. Summary of the safety profile.
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